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Nate Terry

One of my favorites. Walt was ill and it wasn't mention again after he tried to reach out to his son, but going out in a blaze of glory was preferable to wasting away with whatever illness he had. I'd like to note that a typical Clint Eastwood western usually ends with a climatic gunfight. Here, Eastwood subverts this expectation by this "anticlimactic" sacrifice(compared to a gunfight)[NOTE: he read that newspaper quote about taking 2 life paths one that'll end anticlimactically] also, you guys picked up that the priest seemed disappointed in Walt during the confession because he had eluded earlier that he was feeling guilty about a possible war crime...and he didnt confess that to him, but he did confess it to Thao.

James Forrest

Hi guys :) Been a wee while; my team is in a close, close title race so it's been a hectic month! (And Saturday coming it should almost come to a close and hopefully a satisfactory one!) But it was a genuine pleasure watching this movie (the whole not just the reaction) with the pair of you the other day. What a wonderful movie, eah? It's one of my dad's favourite films, and one of the Eastwood masterpieces. If you guys haven't done Unforgiven please tell me you're gonna! :) As an actor, he's wonderful. As a director I think he's even better. I've seen almost every one of his movies as a director and I can recommend without equivocation a handful of them; Play Misty For Me is his directorial debut and it's wonderful. Fatal Attraction stole almost every major plot point from it, but Misty is a much, much better film and Eastwood is a superb in it. Unforgiven, I've said already. But he plays a similar character to the guy in Torino in Million Dollar Baby, which is immense. So too is a great little thriller called Absolute Power with Gene Hackman about a burglar who witnesses a murder ... but so much more than just a normal murder. I won't even give away a single plot point, but it's brilliant, with an amazing cast, everyone in it is on top, top form. Laura Linney, Dennis Haysbert, Ed Harris, Judy Davis, Scott Glenn and E. G. Marshall along with the two leads. Honestly, look it up and watch it, you will not regret a moment of it. But Torino is just brilliant from start to finish, and Walt is one of the best characters he's ever done, and the self-sacrifice at the end, where he spares the kid, frees the family from the gang and does it without damning his soul ... it's just beautiful. It's a long time since I saw it and I was delighted you guys chose it and got so much out of it.


Eyy! Good to see you back! Good luck on Saturday ❤️ This was a tremendous film. The message behind it and how they depict and slowly explore the themes giving the audience a better understanding of Walt is fantastic! Can't wait to see more of Clint Eastwood's work 😄