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Maybe I’ll watch this movie again with your perspective, because the first time I saw this, I was rather disappointed. But then again the bar set with the Lord of the Rings trilogy is so high…..


The "good/bad/shittyLOTRversion" discussion: As I said in your teaser post, I think the movie is ok and it would get less hate if it wasnt connected to LOTR. Or imagine they had released this before LOTR and LOTR came afterwards. It wouldnt have felt like a step down. Its the same as with Starwars. The prequel and sequel films arnt terrible, they are just not what people expected and hoped for. That said, I was surprised to hear one thing from you: You said you love and care for the characters after this. Realy? Are you? After fellowship, I (and likely everyone else) would have been able to say: -Frodo is a young guy who was burdened with a huge task. He is fighting to bring up the courage to do what he feels is right -Sam is Frodos gardener and while he seems to have no valuable skills for this adventure he has a huge heart and is a 10/10 friend. -Pippin and Merry, to be honest I think some people would confuse them after first viewing, see them as the funny duo that are "just there" for fun and adventure and now they are forced to be learning by doing -Gandalf: The wise guy, a wizard (but we didnt see much of that yet), he knows a lot, can motivate people, know everyone and has a warm personality -Strider: That guy that is great in the wilderness, an amazing fighter and obviously some sort of royalality figure, but what it will lead to is unclear. He has strong connections to the elves and is a great leader if he choses to act like one -Boromir: A warrior so desperate to win an unwinnable battle against the foes of his people that the ring had an easy time corrupting him by avbusing his desperation. -Gimli: He is surprisingly strong and durable. Few men twice his size could beat him. He isnt realy the intellectual type of guy but he has enough wisdom to be a good judge of character. Right now he is challenged by trying to overcome his predjudice against elves -Legolas: A superhuman archer, some poetic talent and a very soft behaviour. He seems a bit distanced at times I am sure 90% of all people who saw the fellowship just once could give a description like this (ofc they can disagree with me in details). Could you give such a description of the 13 dwarves in unexpected journey? I would be very surprised if people even know all the names. The characters are the weakest point in my opinion.