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So in answer to the question that was posed a while back of “what did Poppy and Shawn think was going to happen here”, the answer is “they were specifically asked to wingman this interaction and Jax has been waiting around for Gray to show up”.




A proper man who knows not to hit on the employees while they're working. A total keeper!

Anais Merlay

The way you write dialog is so fun! Like everyone has their own very distinct voice that even without the bubbles, I would be able to tell who said what. Poppy to Gray to Jax to Shawn—like they all just stand so well on their own. I didn't get to see the OG comic on Slipshine (yet lol), so this comic is my intro to everybody. But I love how like rounded out/grounded they are from the gate. Also, sidebar, the way you drew all those fold details in the second panel I just—A++ dude.


Thanks! I try to keep different voices in my head for the characters to kinda centre them. Like, when I write Jax’s lines I picture Tom Read Wilson, or for Gray I think of Eric Schweig. Also like… Gray basically speaks in point form because doing a lot of talking wears him out with his brain injury, while Jax will talk in circles forever to burn off nervous energy, so every Jax line is gonna be 4x as long as it needs to be but Gray will always get to the point immediately.

Some Ed

I don't think meeting that one qualification necessarily surpasss all of the red flags from earlier. But at least he's not *entirely* made out of red flags.