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And that’s it! 42 pages written, thumbnailed, roughed, inked, and toned in 42 days! Thanks for joining me on this ride, I do have a second chapter I’d like to add to this at some point that’s more from Giovanni’s point of view, but it’s… not gonna get done at the pace this one did haha

I do plan to go back to the early pages, do some art tweaks (because 40 pages later and I’m better at grayscale now haha), see if I can make the screentones a little nicer, and assemble a pdf. I’ll upload that when it’s done in case you want to be able to flip through it on your phone or iPad or whatever.

Hope you had a lot of fun on this bloody, mopey ride with me hahaha



Justin Vandermeer

Jaysus murphy that was worth it. Incredible stuff.


Wonderful storytelling, in its writing but especially your expressive drawing. Thank you!