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I’m not actually sure if I’ve ever drawn a nidoking before this comic.




i know it's A War and that the gyrados is a combatant just like giovanni and his nikdoking, but it seems to be acting hostilely even though there don't seem to be other humans around giving it directions. is it going berserk because its trainer was killed?


I tried not to overthink the details of what exactly the orders happening here are because the general idea is that whatever plans were in place went to shit, but I was thinking of it something like, the enemy put whole regiment of tough Pokémon on the field to stop people from running across and their CO sent Giovanni with his big strong conspicuous Pokémon in there to draw all their attention while everyone else was supposed to Hail Mary run past them.


I'm usually not the biggest fan of making light-hearted franchises grimdark and / or gritty, but I am thouroughly impressed by your rendition of Gyarados here. Like, holy shit it just looks *terrifying*, and I have no idea how people could mix it up with Mr. Fish's goofy-looking ass


It’s very much based on how Toshiiro Ono drew Gyarados in Electric Tale of Pikachu, I think his Gyarados art was instrumental in making it my favourite Pokémon when I was younger