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Experimenting with using the screentones, but they tend to resize weird, so I might have to give up on it if they get too distracting. Anyway, here’s the first page! The whole thing will go up as I finish it on Patreon, I’m still figuring out how I plan to post it to the general public or if I’ll just do a pdf or something, but whatever happens the pages will be here for anyone pledging any amount.




Man it has always bothered me, what happened to Surge?? That old guy said he served under him, but if surge is only a lieutenant then he must have gotten heckin demoted at some point--


I admittedly get very turned around on which rank means what because different military branches and different countries use the same names to mean different things, but I guess he could be like a Lieutenant Colonel or something? In European translations of the game he’s a Major, and LTC is a closer rank to that, I believe? Wikipedia is saying 70% of Lieutenant Colonels hit that rank after 15-17 years in the service and this is supposed to be set like 15-20 years after he enlisted.

Jean Cabot

Now that's some good train perspective. And good Surge hair.