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 even if they are like +/-50% robot people.



AC (ArynChris)

This causes me to wince and feel awful for my first fiance. I kinda... did this to him. And then years later, when we were mere close friends, same thing. Of course, the problem was, no, I -didn't- have anybody else to talk to... who would listen. =/ I feel bad for Rock more than Tank here, though, because Tank is still an asshole.


This actually hits home pretty hard for me! I have been on both ends of this. Overusing a persons willingnes sto care as well as being the one outlet for all emotional venting! The thing many people don't get is that it's not lack of caring or being emotionally distant (I do also have friends that just shy away as soon as anything gets remotely serious emotionally). Being open, being available and carrying that responsibility... it's exhausting And very often the person unloading forgets that his/her emotional rock (how fitting here) is also just a human person with issues, hang ups and emotional stuff they need to work through on top of what they put on their plate dealing with your shit. It's tough. The goal should be reciprocity and to support each other but in my experience this is MUCH rarer than the movies would have us believe : (