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mostly did this to outline the different body types. One of the downloads is the MEGA hires version if you want it for something.

Left to right Angel, Wagner, Brunhilde, Sigrun, Cate, Spider



V as in Victor

And Spider was very similar to Wagner before, if I'm not mistaken. But now she's whatever she wants to be.

V as in Victor

It would be super interesting to learn how and when everyone got their names. We know B52, and A53 to Ace is pretty clear, but the rest? Did they choose their own names? Did it happen when they were just babies, or when they were tweens or something? Clearly Tank and Lobster had their names by the time they were early teens.


Even smaller, she was the tiniest. Her function in the unit was basically to climb across precarious or otherwise delicate obstacles and figure out or set up some means of getting Tank across to wreck everything on the other side. She could run across fragile rotting trees or burnt floors and the like that everyone else would crash through, and climb walls faster than anyone because she was so light and nimble, but then she got cyborg'd and she didn't need to worry about being anyone's support crew anymore.

AC (ArynChris)

Tank's nickname also seems pretty obvious, as does Spider. Named for their combat roles.