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Last year I was thinking about putting together a Volt Krueger zine to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Bouncer, but ultimately it was gonna be so much effort for so little reward I ended up reskinning all my headcanons into Not-The-Bouncer and using it to create Pipeburn for Slipshine.

These are kinda disjointed because it’s missing pages I might never get around to, but I feel like you can enjoy what I did finish, at least. I fell in love with the idea of Glasses!Volt so much I made them a full-time fixture on Gray.



Woden's Skadi

I loved this game so much and Volt was the epitome of everything I love in a male character all rolled into one haha. I adore this ship and I read this comic every so often to satisfy the craving I have for this fandom. So glad you made it.