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So lately I haven't been uploading psd files. There's both a good and not good reason for that. Firstly, I haven't been making as much BIG colored images. And I feel kinda eh about uploading the recent flat colors cause there's really not much to em. (Though if you really want to see them let me know and I'll start uploading them) SECOND, and this is gunna get technical, I found out that even though I've been converting my .clip files over to .psd, I realized that photoshop doesn't actually have the function of clipping folders like clip studio does, only single layers. And I do that... A LOT. So if you've ever opened my .psd files and they've appeared broken, its not because its actually broken, its because PS doesn't know what to do with a folder that has clipping on it. So in the future, I will still convert to .psd, because its a universal format, but try and open it in programs that have folder clipping. Currently I do not know what programs other than clip studio (and maybe sai??) that have that function.


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