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The attached files are the final and most up to date versions of what I've released so far. So please update your files with these.

But yeah, its all done. I can say I completed something like a short comic. Its not as big as some other comics you see out there, but its a nice personal milestone to have reached. I'm really happy with how it came out.

Eventually this will see a physical print. Though not entirely on its own. I'm still figuring out what I want to add to the book alongside the comic to make it... well... longer than 11 pages. Minimum I'm going to shoot for is 24 pages. But we'll see how that goes.

Anyway, thanks for your support guys, I'm sorry that I had to put the weekly illustration on hold while I did these. I felt like it was really important to put all my focus on the comic to actually see it through. So thank you for being patient with me. I don't really think I would have gotten something like this done without your support. So once again, thank you all.



what's for dinner

Congrats on such an awesome first comic!


I'd buy that! ♡ Love the comic ♡


The comic is wonderful congratulations! Hope to see more. If you do make an irl I'll definitely buy a copy.


Agree with all of the above, great comic!

Viro Veteruscy

Very nice, glad you had fun :3