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Apologies for the slow content update again. This week I was kind of thrown a curve ball. My mother had to get surgery, while she had it planned she didn't tell me till 3 days before that I had to help her. Not a big deal I've helped her with this same thing last year. But unfortunately for me I was not prepared to be staying with her for a week. I brought my computer with me, but I can't guarantee I'll get much done. I will try though. Also no worries about her, she is perfectly fine. Just recovering, faster than last time too so that's good.

So for the art side of things, my top priority is moving forward with this comic. I'll try and come up with an illustration idea over the weekend as well. Doing these comics is really going to change how I move forward with how often I do illustrations now. I'm not sure how that will turn out, I'm trying to figure out a good balance there.

So anyway, thank you all for being patient with me. I wanna get things rolling again, just gotta get organized. Hope you are all having a great weekend too.



take your time <3


Here to support all the way man!


Thanks for updating us! Best wishes for your mother's speedy recovery!