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So for those of you who might not be aware, I reached my $600 goal last night. I can't thank you all enough for supporting me and getting me here. I probably don't thank you guys enough, but trust me, when I say it I wholesomely mean it.

But for this post I am going to explain a bit more in detail what exactly my goal is and what it means going forward from here.

If you didn't know, my initial goal is my halfway mark to my overall goal here on Patreon. That's pretty amazing that we're already half way there in only 3 months. So what I'll start working on is the ground works for short 2-4 page comics (lewd of course). That will include writing, thumbnailing, and sketching out pages. I already have a few ideas planned so its a matter of starting the writing phase and eventually finishing off with a nice set of sketched pages. I will also take a second pass at my reward tiers and update that to fit this new content. I will update you all on that when the time comes.

The next step however will be at the $900 milestone. From there I will ink and color/monochrome the comics. If and when we reach that goal I will dive into more detail since its a ways off. But for now, that's the general approach to it.

So I wanna end this by saying thank you again, to all of you. Really, it's crazy that this is even a thing and that you guys want to support me like this. Despite my lack of communication sometimes, I love you all and I cannot put into words how much I appreciate it. So again, Thank you.

~Love, James.


Viro Veteruscy

Best advice is to take your time and have fun with it :3


You are a great person with awesome skills and interests in art and content! I am glad that you are getting to your objectives. We need more art like yours out there. It is inspirational and has been my favorite style of art over most styles that I know of ^w^


Ayyye, I jumped on the train last night. Let's gooo!!