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Hey folks,

It's time for a new game progress report.

Disclaimer: I'm posting these to be transparent on game development and show progress done. However, it goes without saying that some of the stuff you see here may be considered to be spoilers. Although I do my best to keep the big narrative points out (and believe me, there is a lot I would like to show, but that I'm leaving out for you to find and experience in game),

With that said, here is what you need to know:


To kick things off!  the next Sub-Ash update for Barbwire is progressing smoothly.

New dialogs with Alpha and Beta were added. Along with events leading to Ash making her way to Barb's training room.

Last month, I showed the general layout of the "training session" selection menu which at this point was but a J-peg with all the UI assets done, but nothing coded in game.

This is no longer the case, as the menu is now coded in with all the different parts moving.

It may not look like much just looking at it, but there is a lot of Data and variable interacting here.

For example the two bars for the selected training option have to be dynamic and scalable.
They can't just be a static image as I may have to adjust Stamina losses and satisfaction gains to keep things balanced on the user's end.

I had to make it dynamic so that every variable for these challenges is reflected directly in the menu automatically to remain accurate without me having to remake the interface every time.

Actual in-game screenshot of the interface now functioning as intended.

With that being done, my efforts shifted toward putting together the new "face-sitting" mini-game.

For this, I needed to draw a second angle to better show the action. And yes, this will be animated as you'll see Barb rising or pushing down her generous "assets" on Ash's face! Leading to the "reaction time" mini-game event.

This mechanic isn't new, you probably were introduced to it on Bijou's level. The interface was just slightly changed to be more appropriate for this scenario. I don't think a new mechanic has to be done from scratch for every mini-game. The new and improved Quick-time event, the reaction time event, and the breath-play event are enough and can be reused when needed.  

I know some might wonder why not the "breath-play" mini-game here for the face-sitting training.

Well, personally I want to keep it for the actual "breath-play" training session that will be unlocked later. And although Ash may have trouble breathing, the main point of this training is learning how to "please" the Mistress. If you see what I mean. ;)

New face-sitting game (Actual screenshot)


My work on the femboy-femdom game on my free time continues. With significant progress of the "phone functionality" nearing completion.

The phone and its apps will play a major role. A lot of the games "financial-tribute", "Domme-Affinity" mechanics, along with other basic functions like fast-travel to key locations, special "optional affinity or financial boost events" being triggered through the phone's messaging app, and other things like the gallery and video modes to allow you to re-watch key images and scenes. (Think of it as this games version of the VR gallery in 3072 AD)

The phone's main menu changed slightly to reflect all of these change. And this is functional in-game.

The main menu will also display the "current day of the week", which is something you need to track as this game will work on 3 or 4 week cycles. Each week you have goals to meet to move forward with the story or else...

Phone's main menu (In-game screenshot)

The "contact" menu allows you to track all the necessary stats about each DOMME character in the game. But was slightly reworked and simplified. The old one had penalty percentages etc... But in the end I think this made the entire experience too cluttered and not that enjoyable. So I've simplified it a bit to the essentials.

Contact menu (in-game screenshot)

The most significant update and upgrade is the "map menu", which got a complete overhaul.
The old one was frankly ugly and not great to use.

The updated version looks much more realistic and detailed. And it is also a lot cleaner. Only show you the current selection and the available destinations can change depending on different scenarios.

It is now fully functional, which is great because that's your means of travelling to different locations on the scale of an entire town.

Contact menu (in-game screenshot)

Last but not least, the "Message" menu.

The best way I can explain the functionality and purpose of this is, "think cyberpunk's messaging system" for those of you who played it.

Essentially, you'll get incoming text-messages after certain triggers.

A character will send you some lines. Usually proposing or asking something from you. And you'll be given the choice to respond in two ways (Accept or decline basically). Accepting or declining may have consequences on your affinity with that person or maybe you'll lose the opportunity to earn more money to use later as tribute. It will be up to you to decide which is more important!

In short, these are like "special events" offered by characters in the world. Which are usually optional. But not without consequences.

Contact menu (in-game screenshot)

It's important to note that all of these images are actual screenshots of the interface working as intended. With all the animations, sounds, and mostly bug free. (The reason they are blurry is because these are cropped and zoomed in from the game). Trying emulate the look and feel of a real phone when possible for maximum immersion.


Progress on both projects has been steady.

For 3072 AD, I now need to focus on getting both the "Boot-licking" and "Face-sitting" challenges balanced for the first level of trials. Along with adding events and dialogs in Barb's play room (which will change depending if you got MAG locked in that room with you or not) and also the events for succeeding her first "trials", with Barb rewarding you with a special prize which I won't spoil. Once these are done, a patch can be released. I'm not going to promise dates as some react to potential delays negatively (learned that the hard way with the D-Tox remaster). But I am aiming for a release in December (Again, AIMING. No promising). But we'll see If that pans out.

For the Squeal little piggy game, while the completion of the MAIN phone apps is a big step towards a first patch, there is still a lot of work to be done: More image assets need to be drawn, events (Like a job mini-game to earn money) and dialogs written, the school and the shopping plaza maps made, additional NPC sprites to populate the place.  My goal is to have the "First week" part done for a first patch. At the rate things are going, it's closer than ever, but I can't promise an ETA just yet. Maybe end of the year (I doubt it) or early next year. But progress on it will continue steadily and you will be kept up to date on its progress.

That's about it.
See you all on the next one!




ufff all this is very exciting, keep it up 😉


That's great, but did you ever think about the ending where ash becomes so powerful that he defeats the leaders and locks them up in whatever way they like?

aRetrae Measirin

As gratifying as that would be, it doesn't seem likely given the massive gap in power between her and the boss mutants. All of them save for technically Bijou were holding back.