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Hey folks,

Time for a new Game progress report.

Disclaimer: I'm posting these to be transparent on game development and show progress done. However, it goes without saying that some of the stuff you see here may considered to be spoilers. Although I do my best to keep the big narrative points out (and believe me, there is a lot I would like to show, but that I'm leaving out for you to find and experience in game.)

With that said, here is what you need to know.

With the recent patch release of  a new "No Escape Reality" patch, work on two other games has resumed.

Here are the details.


The work on barb going forward will focus on getting the entire "Sub ash" part done. So don't expect updates on the warrior path until Sub part is finished.

That said, for the sub part, your goal will be to follow Barb's training routines. You had a taste of one of the mini-games last patch. Now you'll need to use these mini-game to please her enough and move forward (And unlock "other things" if you want to).

There are multiple difficulty levels (different sessions will gradually unlock. you've already had a taste of the boot licking one. Next on the menu is face-sitting).

The goal is to manage to please Barb by filling her "pleasure bar" to the maximum within a limited time measures in "days" while avoiding to completely deplete your own stamina.

Some "session types" may fill Barb's pleasure bar faster! But it may also deplete your "stamina" reserves faster too.

Should your Stamina bar fall too low, spending some days in isolation is a good way to recover some precious stamina (A mechanic you already saw in the previous patch), but that's less days before the training period runs out. (Each training session will always consume ONE day.)
So that's an other resource to manage.

So it's up to you to find the right balance between filling Barb's pleasure bar, avoiding that your Stamina bar reaches Zero, and pleasing Barb before time runs out.

What you see here is a general outline of the "Training" menu that will pop-up every time you start a "training session". It let's your chose which one you want (if it's unlocked) and you have all the data you need on one screen.

There will be three difficulty levels each unlocking new "training session" types and "rewards" for passing them.

Now I need to actually turn that into a functional UI in the game.



So here's one I didn't mention in a while!

"Squeal little piggy!" is an old project of mine (dates to even before I started my Patron page), that got rebooted, then got put on ice because I intended to learn to code on UNITY's game engine to make it on that,  rather than RPG MAKER.

The game is essentially a FINDOM/FEMDOM dating simulator (no combat. Just got to serve some powerful Dominas and manage your piggy bank!)

Learning to use UNITY was more of a challenge than I imagined without really delaying the game itself (I just couldn't afford learning to code on an entirely new game engine and doing my patreon content at the same time).

And the recent Unity debacle pretty much sealed the deal for me. So I gave up on unity and I'm returning to making the game with good old RPG maker.

This means that you guys will get a playable patch SOONtm! (I'm aiming to have one done before the end of the year.)  But the progress on it will be better now that I'm back on RPG maker. Although I'll mostly work on this on my free time during the weekend, while keeping week days on 3072 AD dev.

The setting is modern Japan, and you'll be playing as a 19 year old femboy college student.(Originally made it a high-school because I liked the teacher-student dynamic and the uniforms but it felt weird that a 19 year old would go to a regular high school, so I've changed the setting to college or a special technical school attended by adult students). While keeping the "uniform" thing.

Already I've done some good work on it.

- Adding a "pajama's" version of the protagonist for the start of the game.

- Also starting to make the maps for the protagonist's step-mother's house

- And the town/Neighborhood. around the house.

And made a sprite "bus". Which is going to be the way the protag changes locations. (Like going from home to the school for example without having the player physically walk there. Quick travel if you will, using his cellphone equivalent of G-maps as an interface).

Protagonist in their pajamas!

The house, aka "home"!

Waiting for the bus!


For 3072 AD, I have to integrate the different icons/buttons in the game to make it a functional menu, then I'll begging making the next two mini-game. At which point, I'll start doing the events-story elements and have that being the next scheduled PATCH CONTENT for it.

For Squeal Little piggy, Next I'm going to have to finish the "Phone app's" UI and main function. I already finished the "Contact/Findom menu" aspect of it, now I need to rework the "map" function (old one looked pretty bad) and the chat function which will have some story related functions .   Once that's done, it's essentially writing the events, story etc...   To get a patch done.

And that's it for this game report.

There will be an other one next month to cover the progress to a future patch.

Take care!




Squeal Little Piggy sounds like it'll be neat. Not a ton of games that use the concept