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This is for you OC owners (or potential future OC owners) out there, that want to submit their OC's to a monthly raffle.  (The regular established character sets and polls is not concerned by this. This is just for ORIGINAL  characters that belong to subs.)

For those who do not know I essentially use a random name picker wheel program to pick a Random OC. (If you not aware of this, submitting your OC ect... happens on our discord in the appropriate channels.) If your OC is picked they will be drawn by me in an Image set. (Like this latest one: https://www.patreon.com/posts/image-set-female-86683676)

I started these as some fun side content, but these have grown in popularity, they are now a part of my regular content and therefor the number of contestants are growing. Which in turn affects probabilities of contestants being picked etc...

With that in mind, I'm proposing to make some changes on the rules and probabilities for getting the OC's picked.
But instead of forcing that change, I'm putting this up for a vote for you guys to decide.

The changes I'm proposing are as follow:

- Tier I and Tier II subs still can participate as before and will have their OC's name put in the random name generator once. For a chance of winning.

- Tier III sub OCs will have their OC's Name put two times in the random name generator to double their chances of winning compared to tier I and Tier II OCs

- Tier IV sub OCs will have their OC's name put three times in the random name picker. Thus, increasing their probability of having their characters picked.

- An OC that was already picked in the past will only have the name of said character put ONCE in the random name picker (lowest probablity) to give a higher chance to characters that were never picked before. (Note: This applies regardless of the OC's owners patreon tier. But it does not apply to the OC owner's other characters that have not been picked before. These still keep their higher probablity)

Note: characters that were drawn by me a long time ago (like Lu.) that weren't even an image set,  are not going to have this rule applied yet because I barely made one or two images of them It wouldn't be fair to apply this rule to them. I'll only apply this to the characters that got a proper image set.

- Only Tier III and Tier IV subs can submit more than one OC per category (Femboy and Female).  
(Note: doing this won't increase your chances of getting an OC picked, as both OC's will count as the same entry.
However if you have one OC that was picked in the past and one that wasn't, these will be threated separately. The already picked OC will follow the ONE name entry rule as it should, the OC that wasn't picked yet as its name entered 2 or 3 times depending on the tier.)

- OC owners that got one of their characters picked before will not have their characters enter the contest for the next 4 rounds (Let's say 6 months more or less). But after that their characters are back into the contest as per the conditions above.

- I will still alter between a female OC contest and a Femboy OC contest each month as I always have. And the same rules apply in both contests.

- These rules apply to your current ACTIVE membership. So if one month your are Tier IV and in the current month of the contest you changed to Tier III, it is the rule of your current active tier that applies.

This is my proposal for the changes.

In my mind, it makes the chances of winning more fair based on your tier. Tier III get a higher chance of winning, and so do tier IV subs. But it also takes into consideration characters that have already been picked in the past to give other characters a better chance of winning.

For you OC owner (or future OC owners) that are interested in these OC raffles, do you agree that this is what I should do going forward?

Thanks in advance for your participation. 



That's about as unanimous as it gets.