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Hello folks.

Here is my work schedule this month.
As a reminder, this is not a delivery list, just giving a general overview on what I'll work on this month.

First of, due a family reasons, I will have to take a week off. Nothing serious, I just need to deal with family stuff. I will be away from tomorrow till Wednesday next week. So my work schedule will adapt around it.
The two sets will be delivered this month as expected though, no worries there and I will have time for game dev work to be done to make a new Dev report post. So content wise, nothing will be affected.

With that said, here is my work schedule:

- Finishing the Clementine set (Full shading and story)

- Finishing this month's OC set

- Game dev wise, I going to do work on finishing the first part of "No escape reality" game. There isn't a lot of work to be done to do that and deliver and In fact I was thinking on delivery that patch this month, but due to the family emergency mentioned above, this might be moved to next month. Development on 3072 AD will resume next month as well, just taking a small break on it this month after the latest patch delivery.

- The usual polls, suggestions etc... will be posted this month as usual.

That's about it.

Have a good one!



Angi Li

Just curious but do you plan on finishing 3072AD before working on the squeal little piggy game or are you planning on working on both at the same time?


I want to start delivering squeal little piggy playable patch while 3072AD is still in development. So no I won't wait for 3072 to be finished. But I'm not developing both 1 on 1 at the same either. Priority remain 3072 AD, but I take time to work on other projects when I can. Currently, I'm planning on releasing a new patch for "no escape reality" soon (which shouldn't take a lot of time.) After that, my side project focus will go back to "squeal little piggy". One of the reasons this one is taking a bit more time before fruition is that I'm still testing if I can or should make directly with Unity engine at the moment. So most of my dev time on it, is simply learning the engine and problem solving how I'll do different things on it. But TLDR: I want to release a patch for "Squeal Little piggy" this year. Just no clear ETA right now.