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Hey folks,

Time for a new Game progress report.

Disclaimer: I'm posting these to be transparent on game development and show progress done. However, it goes without saying that some of the stuff you see here may considered to be spoilers. Although I do my best to keep the big narrative points out (and believe me, there is a lot I would like to show, but that I'm leaving out for you to find and experience in game.)

Patch 3.3 is ALMOST here. Yep! This is it!

It should drop sometime next week as early access to Tier IV subs first and after 2 or 3 weeks of bug correction with the feedback, it will be unleashed to all tier III subs.

3.3 is the patch that covers the "intro" portion of barb's level as both warrior Ash and sub Ash. Introducing the levels, new characters, new systems and also introductory combat (warrior) and mini-game (Sub ash) that act as tutorials for the next following patchs.

Because the patch is so close to release, even if there is a LOT I could show you here in this progress report, I don't want to spoil you the fun since you'll soon get to enjoy it in-game, with that in mind, I'll keep this one fairly basic to avoid spoiling the fun for you.

With that said, here is the progress report!

- Giving the finishing touches to the Combat and sub ash Mini game -

The last details of the warrior ash combat (introductory fight) are now done. With its main UI elements and systems now finished. Although Combat Ash is not the focus with Barb since she is more Sub ash oriented, I've given this a fair bit of attention.

And you might find it to be one of the most fun and polished fights I did to date.
With also an update on a more involved and improved "struggle" mechanic that uses the brand new QTE system.

There is also a small "special" alternative  ending you can unlock with this one. I'll leave it to you to figure out how.

NEW UI's and Barbs Grab.

The first Sub Ash mini-game "Boot licking" has also received a final polish and more details were added. Including the basics of the "resource management" that will be involved in order to "progress" as Barb's new slave. Some small tutorial elements were also added to make sure the player understands the basics which will be crucial when the REAL training starts.

Some extra visual and sound effects were added to flavor the experience. As well as a nice rock track to accompany it.

In addition, Barb will actually assess your performance once you're done cleaning her boots. There isn't much to fear about being "bad" for now.
But who knows, maybe if you do a REALLY good job, she'll feel generous.

If you wish to serve Barb, you have to meet her high expectations.

Both of these have layed out the ground work for the future Barb patches which should take less time to deliver if all goes well.

- Barb's dialog image assets got an upgrade -

Since I first introduced Barbwire, my art-style has improved a bit.

So to make sure these align with the new art assets for Barb, they got an upgrade in the same fashion D-Tox had for her rework.

The head-to-body proportions were ajusted
The eyes were also adapted to look less "flat" and more lifelike.

She's also a bit taller now, and her chest has been increased to match with the rest of the art works.

Some extra "shine" was also added to her rubber.



Two new exciting characters were added. Can't wait for you to meet them in game.
But I won't spoil it here, so no further details or images. I will make a proper walkthrough of these in a future dev post.


More sprites were added to help flesh everything out the world.

There are many... MANY more. But once gain. Don't want to spoil too much so I'll just have these two as sneakpeaks here.

Can you guess what this is?

Ash needs some help.

- Conclusion -

Well, that's it. It won't be long before you get to experience this in game.

Once again...

Tier IV subs, you expect the early access patch some time next week. With it being then released to all of you Tier III subs 2-3 weeks later after some bug fixes.

Really excited to read your feedback on it.
As I said, this has been my most ambitious patch to date.

I hope the quality of the "it's ready when it's ready" approach will be noticable and that you'll enjoy it.

Stay tuned!



aRetrae Measirin

Is the ballgag removal (or character dialogue with it still on) following the end of Sub Ash's interaction with Bijou implemented in this patch?


Yes, the events for it are there and in fact, I strongly recommend a run of barb with the gag on and one without as they play out fairly differently.