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Hey Folks!

So the last SUPER LARGE set (YOR) just dropped. Which means that now I can reorganize my work schedule to what I had planned a few months ago (Half the month doing image singles and Half the month developing the game).

With that done, game progress should now be a bit more consistent.

Going forward you can still expect the following:

- Two Image shorts sets from characters selected by you. These will always be delivered monthly consistently. In addition, these past 2-3 months of experimenting with the new format has allowed me to see how much content I can deliver on Image shorts. And now they should be as you might have noticed, more around 30-40 pages with some more stuff going on (Close up action shorts etc...) to still make them shorter but keeping them as proper image story sets.

- One OC character image short. Please note that If I need to make a PUSH to deliver a game patch for example, I may skip these from time to time. But that will not happen often. Selecting an OC should be something happening monthly most of time. But If I need to push for a patch release a need to allocate a bit more time to to it. Then I'll report the OC selection to the following month. So the OC image shorts are kinda like my buffer to give me flexibility when that is required. But should remain fairly common.

- Game dev. With the LARGE image sets now out of the way, I will allocate two weeks minimum per month on game dev from now on. Still... Game dev takes more time, so keep that in mind. That said you can expect patchs or game blog reports on 3072 AD, No escape reality to return... going forward. I'm also resuming taking some days to learn more about coding on unity in order to start putting the FEMDOM game "SQUEAL LITTLE PIGGY" together with. Making it my first game made on UNITY. No ETAs, but you'll get updates on all of this throughout this year.

With all that being said, here is my work schedule this month:

- The LUCY from Cyberpunk Image set. First character selected by Tier IV patreons.(Tier IV patrons can expect early access to the set VERY soon next week. Tier III patrons will have access to it on early march).

- Second character image set. Poll still needs to be held to chose that character, but expect it delivered also Early march. Poll is out now btw: https://www.patreon.com/posts/short-story-poll-78224363

- 3072 AD: With the large image sets out of the way, finally getting back on the game dev saddle. I'll give you all more details on what to expect towards end of the month as I get work done.

- FEMALE OC image short: A new OC was selected, Danielle! Owned by member B3nbOy. This shot should pop around mid of this month.

That is all.

Have a good one.



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