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Hello foks,
here are the proposed scenario for Kallen.

A spin-off where the GEASS power is not inherited by Lelouch but some Britannian pervert  that goes around to take over the world with it (Think if the power was in the hands of some pshycho like Kira from death note. Only that person is a sadistic pervert as well). Kallen still being a member of the rebellion at this point does cross path with the villain who uses the GEASS power to "acquire" a new rubber slave to his collection.

Using the Geass power he "rewrites" Kallen from a proud, honorable warrior to a depraved obedient servant completely obsessed with her "owner".  The Geas power is also used on anyone that ever knew her (parents, friends, members of the rebellion) and have all of her records erased to effectively turn her into "no one".

From there, the new owner has two choices:

Option A) FORNIPHILA KALLEN: Kallen is bound up in full rubber (a bull bondage suit reminiscent of her classic catsuit but with some changes and bondage like bondage sleeves, mittens and such). She is then place in a hole in a wall. Positioned inside in a way that about 60 percent of her body is inside but 40 percent is sticking out (Her face, boobs, and ass). The hole is then filled with concrete. The final result is a rubber slave with only a chunk of her face, torso and ass sticking out of a wall. A faceless rubber masked is then place on her face to fully remove her identity and humanity. At this point, Kallen is now a "Toilet" (No toilet play here, more like sexual use like anal or BJ, the TOILET identification comes from the overall appearance that she is a rubberized urinal). When not in use, her holes are filled with massive LARGE plugs. In this scenario, Kallen would be more "special" as the only TOILET slave in the villains mansion and will be used very frequently.

If you chose this scenario: The set will show the process of Kallen being placed in the hole in the wall, filled with concrete, then mask put on and then plugged. The geass power keeps her horny and very willing during the entire procedure. Though some occasional twists of her face give away what little is left of the original is indeed in horror of the situation.

Option B) RUBBER SEX DOLL KALLEN: In this one, Kallen is fully rubberized a overly sexualized bondage suit. With this suit, she can't stand up, she's forced in  "Squat" position at all time (more suitable for the use of a sex doll). When not in use, the suit hardens and become like plastic and her face is also encased freezing her lustful facial expression in place. Making her effectively a "statue" when not in use, put on display with many others like her.  In that state she is stimulated but not allowed to have an orgasm. However, when she's lucky enough to get picked to be used by the owner (Rare as RUBBER SEX DOLLS are not unique at all, there hundreds of them across the mansion in different rooms), then the suit softens a bit to rubber and the facial encasement peals back to reveal her horny face. A sex doll is only allowed a massive orgasm when being used by the owner (even if its just giving a BJ).

If you chose this Scenario: The set will show Kallen already fully bound up and in "Stand-by" mode, totally motionless and encased. This is the lucky day where the owner decides to use that doll, so suit turns back to thick rubber and her face is revealed. The horny Kallen goes crazy at the sight of the Master cocks, and she starts to beg for it so badly that the owner is a bit turned off and settles for just a blowjob just to shut her up. (but that alone is enough to trigger her long awaited orgasm.


Raven Night

The idea of Kallen mounted as a trophy sounds really good


the most funny part is, bondage is CANON in Code Geass, remember the last episode of the 2nd season where they all were bound to those pillars? they were also a kind of throphy there!XD

Stan fred

i wish we could do both options