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Hey folks!

I'm posting this content schedule a bit earlier than usual, as I will be away during the Christmas holiday. Still, I got you covered with a special Christmas gift on Christmas day!

Here is the content to be expected early January:

  • SABER STORY SHORT: Usually this once would be posted around the first of January, but in the spirit of Christmas I'll make an exception and release this one on the 25th. I've also given this set a extra day of work to add a bit more content than usual. Bringing this one to around 40 or so pages. Consider this my little Christmas gift to you all. (The saber set is mainly focused on Saber, but for Femboy fans, there is a little cameo in there I think you'll enjoy.

  • LUCY STORY SHORT: Was an early access lock for TIER IV and now will be available to TIER III patrons as well. (Eearly January)

  • MAGIE FEMBOY SET: Releasing the entire set of the magie femboy story (Early January)

  • BASE COLOR AND BLACK AND WITE IMAGES: Tier I and II patrons will recieve a collection of flat colored and black and white version of the the two sets above.

    Some notes on other projects: Made some decent progress on 3072 Barbwire (Made the map, and started some events). There isn't enough that warrants a Dev update right now though, I'll come back to you on the progress in January.
    As for the Yor set, instead of making some progress on both the magie Set and the Yor, I decided to focus on one of the two to make sure I finish it this month. (Magie since I already had half of  it done). Next Month, Yor will be next to write and conclude.

    That's all. Have a good one.




That sounds much more as good;-) I hope, that you have had nice and restful holidays=)