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Alright folks.

Time to get the ball rolling for the first poll for the two characters for image singles. (That is to say, not a full story set, but a single image that may or many not have some variants or text. But either way, only a single base image per character.)

These do not replace the regular "Image story set". It's just new additional content I've added to give you folks something I can offer monthly while I work on the larger content like games and image set that can't be produced on a monthly basis.

This first poll is TIER IV exclusive. Letting you chose the First character to lock in.

Once that character is locked, a second poll with the remaining five character will take place, this time including both TIER III and TIV patrons to vote for the second character pick.

(For the next one, I may introduce character suggestion sessions for TIER IV patrons, but that will be the next ones going forward. As I need to get all the dets for these soon to get them done on time)

Anyways, may the best girl win:


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