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Hey folks! No I haven't managed to get the patched done yet .

Sorry :p

But! I did a LOT of good progress on it. I'm really going in deep and taking my time to make this a great experience. I'm working really hard to get it done but it's almost there. SO thanks again for your patience.

This week , I've worked and almost finished two of the main new features of the remastered version.

The new updated D-Tox "Breathing" mini-game and the Transformation sequence into submissive Ash.

Let's get into it, I'll being with the most exciting:


So it's basically done (Just need to set it up in the actual story events and balance the different difficulty levels). UI is all done, the core Java scripts are in place and function and I took extra time to make the animation as crisp and detail as I can. Every part of Ash's body moves independently almost (Her eyes, arms, torso. And I even gave her some boob physics)

Before I go deeper in it, here is a video showcasing it in action (showing the Older version first and then the new remastered version for comparison):

Watch this first, and well go back to a detailed breakdown.
VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LpNZ4dT8_pE

Welcome back! So let's break down what you just saw:


Essentially I threw away the clunky "SPAM BUTTON" and QTE portions and redesigned the entire thing. Blank slate. (I will do a new QTE system in the future for other minigames, but not for this update so I don't delay any further, and it won't be required for this mini-game anyways)

My objectives were:

- Visually pleasing

- Simple for the user to handle

- More immersive

And here is how it work.


On the right side you have your "resource management" part. Namely. Your oxygen levels. This is represented by that updated LUNG UI.

The way you fill it is simple:

- PRESS "UP" and Ash starts INHALING.


Note that you can inhale and exhale when ever you want, and Ash's animation will even adapt to it so it doesn't look odd. So how fast your breathe is totally up to you. You have total control over this. You are in direct control of Ash's breathing this time.

Moving on,
On the left side you have two bars that are related to Ash's "Current" state.
The red bar is your ENDURANCE. And you can think of it as your "HP" bar that you need to keep up or you'll fail.

The top bar is your TOXIN RESITANCE:  Think of it as your XP leveling bar. Ash can rank up Three times to boost her resistance to Toxins. This is essentially your GOAL. As you won't be able to complete all of D-Tox's trial at Level 1 (The levels are the 3 smaller bars on the right side of the main one. Each time you fill one, you gain a level.)

When Ashes Inhales, her lungs naturally fill with Oxygen. And that's good! Breathing air is good :). In fact, every time you inhale, you will "Heal" your ENDURANCE bar back up. So taking good long breathes is essential to keeping your Endurance up when you need it.

However, it's not just O2 she's breathing, but a mixture of TOXIN and O2.  The "Purity" of the mixture is represented  by the Air tank icon bellow.  Think of this as a "difficulty level" indicator  of your current trial. The higher it is, the more difficult it gets. And D-Tox will gradually increase the dosage as you progress through her trials.

So for example: If the Purity is 25 percent. It means that each breathe you take (even if you cut it short), you will fill your lungs with 25 percent of your TOTAL lung capacity. And that's bad because, just exhaling won't reduce the TOXIN that's in your lungs. It will stay there and take up available space.

In short, the more TOXIN remains in your lungs, the less available LUNG space you have to breathe. If it goes up to much, you may eventually have no more room to breathe oxygen. And you know that's not good.


Obviously this isn't good and you'll need to "expunge" some of that nasty toxin out.

Luckily for you. There is a way to do that, Mainly:


Holding your breath naturally happens when your lungs are filled after you inhale or empty  after you Exhale (Empty means of Oxygen, the remaining Toxin not counting). 

Doing this has several side effects.

The most obvious one is that, well... You'll will start to asphyxiate if you hold it for too long. Ash will begin to visibly choke, the screen will turn dark. When you asphyxiate, your ENDURANCE bar starts depleting.

The longer you keep this, the greater the damage ticks on your endurance bar.

However, the effects of holding your breathe are not all negative. And in fact, you won't have a choice but to do it. A LOT! Much to Ash's discomfort.

Remember that nasty Toxin that won't leave your lungs and might cause you trouble if you ignore it?

Well, that how you get rid of it. If you hold your breath while you EXHALE, your body will be given the opportunity to break down the toxin. And it will naturally deplete (The speed of the process will vary depending on your level).

So the trick here to hold your breathe, but keep an eye on your endurance (Remember you can regain some endurance when you inhale).


You can of course also HOLD your breath after an INHALE! And just like before, you will start to asphyxiate (Though you'll hold just a bit longer, as you would in reality)

And yes there is a perk in doing that. As when you hold your breathe after INHALING a PUFF of fresh TOXIN, you allow the toxin to spread in your body. And this gives you a big boost your "EXP bar" leveling up.

If Holding your breathe while Exhaling is a defensive strategy, consider this the OFFENSIVE version of that. If you lungs are not too filled with Toxin and your endurance isn't too low, it can be a good opportunity to quickly boost your leveling bar (Which again is what you need to do to pass each trial).


That about covers it for the mini-game.

I hope you appreciate just how much more complex, fun and immersive this is.
And the time I need to make it work

This involves a lot of custom assets for me to draw, of JAVA coding (Connecting all the variables in complexes formulas that make the magic work), and the animations that use the new Animation technique I talked about before.

I'm pleased to say that the ground work for this is DONE and ready. I just need to get it in the "in game events" and set the progression rules. But before I do that, I need to finish the TRANSFORMATION process.

Which leads me to :


This too is getting a massive facelift.
I think the old version was REALLY underwhelming as you basically saw nothing.

The reason was simple: First, I still lacked experience in coding with Java. And most importantly, I constrained myself with strict monthly deadlines (specially the Image sets)

Now of course, I'm still delivering content monthly, but now that I can spread out the delivery to allow me some breathing room. I can take the time I need to really do things in detail.

Quality first! Not quantity of patch release.

So with that said, like the Mini-game update before, here is a video of a "before and after" (Limited, as I don't want to spoil to much)

Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndMEu9f53g8

Essentially I breaking the transformation into Three phases:

- Undressing Ash and disposing of her stuff
- Applying body mods on her to prepare for her new purpose
- And finally dressing her up in her new permanent rubber uniform and add many accessories

These sequences are this time in depth. And will switch from POV shots, to tasks you need to do in the world map (New sprites were made to support this) and last but not list, the new Frontal wide angle combined with a new "interaction" UI/ Minigame

You saw a portion of the "UNDRESSING" phase version of that in the video. May not look like much, but this has A LOT in it trust me. And what you saw there barely scratches the surfaces, but again, don't want to spoil to much.

But if your hungry for more, here are some snips of the the version of this during PHASE 2 (Body mods phase).

CHOOSING WHERE TO START (Changes made adapt and apply to later choices)


Don't worry! D-TOX is a pro! She knows what she's doing! (probably)

And that's all I'll share for now.
The only thing I'll add is that, of course the end result for the transformation is going to be the same so it's like you can CUSTOMISE her final form...
With... ONE exception.

There is one important choice you'll make for Ash during that transformation, and will affect her for the rest of the game. I won't say more ;)

- Conclusion -

There you have it folks. Sorry it's not done yet, but I hope you'll see I've done good and honest work. This will frankly be the best game content I've produced so far and it  will only get better from here :).

Good things take time, specially when it comes to making games. That said, I can promise you that I'm almost done and will get this into your hands soon.

What I still need to do before delivering into your hands:

- Finishing the third and Final phase of her transformation (Phase 1 and 2 are done)
- Doing to events that use the new Mini-Game mechanics for the "D-Tox Sub trials"
- And adding the extra images to the game-over I teased last time. (That one is easy, the images are already done and ready to use and there is not Coding necessary. Just story changes and adding the images)

So not a lot more to do. I won't make the mistake to give you a precise ETA, but it's coming and I'm doing my best to make that VERY soon!



I think I speak for all of us, THE UPDATE IS GIGANTIC. Really take your time, it's good that you give yourself deadlines but give yourself ones that are doable. And one more question: Will you always do a "weekly update" or is it just for this project?


I can't guarantee weekly updates but I will do game update reports like this from now. I would say once every two weeks to a month is more realistic. As I won't always have that much to say in short time frames. Right now I can make these weekly because I'm 100 percent focused on this update and only this update for now until I can get it out. After that, I shall return to a more balanced schedule.


Many, many thanks for this glimpse;-)