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Hello everyone, here is the content delivery schedule coming this weekend:

- Shego set: Base color (Tier II+ patrons) and Black and white (Tier I+ patrons)

- 3072 AD: BIjou's full release (With VR replay/gallery features added) in early access for Tier IV patrons. Tier III patrons will get access to it next month (after potential last bug fixes)

- A new chapter of pathetic life. There will be only one chapter left after this one to conclude the story. This will be accessible to Tier III+ patrons.

- The playable patch of "NO ESCAPE REALITY" which was an early access exclusive to Tier IV patrons will now be available to Tier III patrons.

That's what is guaranteed for release this weekend. I might manage to squeeze in Base colors for Maggie's Femboy OC, if it's possible, but I can't confirm that at this time so we'll see if it makes it in. If not, you'll see more of that next month.

That's it, have a good one.




Many thanks=) That really sounds very promising;-) Have also a good one.


what about the ending to BIjou when u reach 100% perfume state ?


All the endings have been implemented and done. There are currently 3 endings (the most any other bosses has so far). and yes that includes reaching 100 percent perfume. Anyone who as access to the patch will have access to these endings.