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Shego undergoes VERY intense hypno and medicinal therapy to recondition her into a lovely air headed gal for a more pleasant experience with the passengers.

Unfortunately, the training is so intense in order to make her more docile, that some undesired side effects: Such as extreme horniness starts to occur. In example, at first she doesn't like passenger looking at her or smacking her ass as she walks pass, but little by little the therapy makes her yearn for more of it.

Eventually, Shego meats her nemesis in First class: Kim Possible. Now an adult and happily married to Ron (who is sitting of screen on the idle seat on her left). They are now in fact going to their honeymoon for a week on that pleasure island.

Kim teases Shego a bit, but then... Ron is starting to get a little too "Friendly" with Shego, which makes Kim extremely jealous and this will backfire hard on Shego.

But how is Shego state of mind at this point considering how the Therapy is slowly but surely changing her (She's about 4 years in at this point.

When Ron makes advances to her, does she:



WAS THERE EVEN a CHOICE?XD only one choice here is the funny one!:P (Bec there is no fun in humiliating empty shells!:P)