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Here everyone.

Here is the completed set of the sisters of battles. Contains both the story set

and a set with no text, just the images.

Special shoutout to Scriptor who helped for the spell checking this time.

Sorry if this one was a bit later, had a lot to deal with (being sick and other personal issues)
But here you go ;)

Main Links: https://mega.nz/folder/3dJm2ZoT#BkvPFbyBzL7-cw9RADuB6w

Note, if you have a bad internet connection I'm providing this link with the story set split into two parts to download. This hopefully should make it easier on you.
Link of the story split in two part: https://mega.nz/folder/GZIjCYaK#Tyjo5m-VCgXLN4yHDKKcpw 




Many thanks=) No problem at all about "later", because your health and personal issues are very first!