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Hi everyone,

here is my schedule for December.

As I announced last month, I'll be taking a short time off during the Christmas holiday period.

While this means I have to adapt my schedule around it this month, there is still good being done this month. So with that said, here is the schedule.

- A special character poll will take place this month for the next lady to go under my pen. This will be a larger poll "free for all" with no specific themes. Including a large number of possible characters to chose from (Say about a dozen or so)

- My focus this month will be 3072 AD: Coloring shading the second game over images, working on the stealth section of the game which is necessary to lead to this game over. My hope is to get a patch done for that quickly which will only leave the short SLUT path mini game to complete bijou and move on to splatter (and part Part III available to Tier III pats sooner rather than later).

- Femboy content wise: Expect the Plant girl and Adrian short to be done this month as well.

- The Findom "Squeal little Piggy" game: Going to have cool stuff to show about that in the form of a video showcasing something brand new in the way I make games. Note: this will also have a very positive impact on 3072 AD, making it's debut with the stealth section part of the game. Basically, I can make my own custom HUDS now with lots of possibilities. I had to do this to make a Relation ship manager, and findom dating sim type of  game, out of an engine that is an RPG maker game engine. I had to start with the game functions first to get a solid foundation before I started with the actual narrative and events. The results and progress so far have been very good, and I'm getting to a point where I can show it and soon being actually crafting the game now that the basic foundation is almost done. I'm excited to showcase this in video soon. As this really opens up more possibilities for me in current and future games.

That's about it. Regarding the Darkness set, I'll start some work on it this month, but because of said Christmas vacation, I can't really finish it in December without rushing it and affecting the quality. So I'll resume work on it and finish it in January once my schedule is back to normal. Same thing with the Squeal little piggy story, work on this will resume in January.

That's it for this months schedule.

Have a good one.



♥ Thank you so much!

jessica kaufman

hopefully that new game WORKS ON MAC


Just download paralells and run windows through that. He's already explained that he cannot do anything about the RPG maker engine not working on mac. Dont be a douche and demand something impossible.


That reads very well=)