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Hey folks. So here is what I'll manage to deliver next week.

- The Clover set. So, I've done goofed on this one and got a bit too ambitious. This set will be 200+ pages long. Still Managed to pull it off on time somehow, though I did take some time away from the game, which I'll address further bellow. This is on the account that this set has 5 characters in total, which wasn't an issue for the time needed on the images but it inflated the story  a lot (As I had to do a lot of set-up for each character to be introduced well in the story). For the Darkness set, you can still expect a very cool and detailed set of images like this one, but more focused on just Darkness to keep the story on point and shorter (100 or so pages are bellow is fine, over 150 pages is what I really need to avoid to keep a proper content balance between sets, the games and side projects). Still, I have a feeling you'll love this Clover set.

- 3072 AD: Managed to shade all the image assets of the first and main Game over (the maid doll end). And I have started playing with the animated parts a bit. However, I do not want to rush a patch and hurt the quality of the Game Over just to deliver it in a few days. So the patch will have to be delayed to early December. But, I will make the fully shaded images available (Tier IV) for you to check out for now. The base color versions of it, will also be unlocked to Tier III pats. As I said, the Clover set did end up taking more time than expected. So will make it up this November by not only getting Game Over 1 done for the patch, but also Game Over 2 with the Stealth Level that is required to unlock it. Which will only leave the Slut path minigame to be done to finish Bijou. In regards to to 3072 AD, I'm also brainstorming on a better delivery system to Tier III pats in regards to the game. Since I'm putting a lot more meat on each Boss now (and I think its for the best), the release of each finished PART takes longer. So I'm considering having Tier IV have earlier access to smaller patches and making said patches available to tier III the following month. This is not set in stone, but I'm considering it, and If I do this, It will only take effect after I'm done with Bijou which shouldn't be too far off now. But the point is too keep early access to Tier IV patreons while not letting Tier III patreons wait for months for a new patch to play. I'll come back on this next month after thinking about it a bit more.

- Van Skellen Part 2: Wanted to finish two chapters, but again, with the Clover set taking priority I ended up only finishing one  more chapter. (Bringing us to half way into the story.) A file with All three chapters (Including this new one) will be posted.

All this will be posted on Wednesday next week, as Monday and Tuesday I have a family thing to attend to.

That is all. Hope you enjoy it!




This is gonna be a gooood month ^^

jessica kaufman

all it does is make me wish 3072 AD worked on mac


It can still only get better;-) Many, many thanks for this delivery=)