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Hi everyone. I'm still in the process of moving as explained in my last post, so again as a reminder. I can't draw this month as a result of that and therefor this month I'm skipping Patreon charges, so end of the month you won't be charged.

That said, I'm still going to get the ball rolling for the 2B set's poll. That way, the moment I get the chance, I'll try to get some work done on it whenever I can.

So here is the general scenario.

2B is captured with the excuse that she's infected with a virus. She's put in an inflatable bondage bag and her cyborg brain is connected to other 2B copies. Each of them in a specific fetish situation (IE: A sex doll 2B). All of their experiences are downloaded into 2B's sensory core. Meaning that she experiences all the other 2B's fetish experience at the same time while still being stuck in a rubber cocoon.

The captor who is with her, teases her, plays her is....


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