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Hey guys,

here is my schedule for this month. As always this is just an estimate and things can slide or change. Specially anything related to the game if bugs arise. 

- WEEK 1:

  • Launching patch 1.4 of 3072 (TIER IV). This patch marks the end of the SPLATTER chapter, which after some polishing will got to  (TIER III) patrons next month. As Patch 2.0
  • Base color for the Malty Set  (TIER II) (Tier I Line work as already been posted)

- WEEK 2&3 :

  • Full color and text for the Malty set    ( TIER III+) 
  • Poll to select the best out of 6 characters for next character poll (Theme this time: characters from western based productions)  (TIER IV) 

- WEEK 4 :

  • Finishing the missing assets for Madame Bijou (Sprites, Coloring the Warrior dolls, Map elements) These will be posted. (TIER IV)  
  • Final round of the poll with the best 3 characters of the previous poll  (TIER III)  
  • Early work on the Madame Bijou intro event. IF I make enough progress, I'll make a patch 2.1 for, but if I still need some time, will slide this for early next month,  (TIER IV)  



personally, i don't believe in schedules, nor do i like them, the slightest deviation, such as a sick cat, can ruin a schedule, and schedules are as constricting as prisons, and a narrow mind is not creative! take it slow, don't overdo it and take a break every now and then!:P


Thanks. And yes, and as I said these are like rough plans on what I intend to do over the course of a month. It's my personal schedule, but by not means are these deadlines. If I need to take extra time to make sure the quality is there. I will do so. So yes, think can slip. But I try to do my best to stick to it.


Iam confused. Week 3 Full Color and Text for Malty Set + Continuing Polls for the Malty Set. I thought you are finished with the Lining, Why are still doing polls for the same Set?


Typo line that wasn't supposed to be there. Sorry about that. Corrected. Yes the lines are all done, moving to coloring now.