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 Hey folks, here is Barbwire's profile:

Code Name: Barbwire

Game over Orientation: Slut path

Background: Don't be fooled by her joyful nature. This one is a total psycho. Barbwire has her own Dogma. She believes that pain and pleasure are one and the same. As such, she seeks pigs with extremely masochist tendencies . She likes to hurt, she likes to fuck. She doesn't like whiny bitches. Never use the word "STOP" with her. Anyone caught by her will become her maso rubber pig. If the victim doesn't enjoy the pain, she gets bored. And you don't want to get her bored. Boring pigs are usually trown away. Aka, this means death most of the time, or if you're lucky just being ignored.  Even the most extreme masochist will have a hard time pleasing her, as she constantly pushes the limit. Very few maso pigs, if any, managed to satisfy her appetite for pain, sex and humiliation.

Fighting style: Barb is mainly offensive. The damage she deals can quickly overwhelm you if you're not careful. Her weapons of choice are two whips she affectionately  named  "Bloody Mary" and "Anaconda". "Bloody Mary" has tiny spikes, and will leave severe bleeding damage. While "Anaconda" can expand and contract, Increasing in size to the point that it resembles the coils of a constrictive snake (Hence the name). She uses that one to bind her victims and violently constricts them. Suffice to say that one should be tanked while the other should be avoided all together. 

Last but not least, she can use "Deadly Kiss". Spitting a big ball of saliva on her victim's face. Her saliva quickly turns more solid as it comes in contact with the air and wraps around the victims head. Effectively creating a vacuum sealed bag around it, causing slow and painful asphyxiation. 

Fun facts:   This is the first boss in the game where Ash playing as a warrior can die (Meaning you will have to use a previous save). The death is not a full game over scene, it just occurs during battle under certain conditions. Up to you to figure out how it can happen and how to avoid it.  As a slut, Barb will be enough into you to eventually fuck you while hurting you at the same time.

Preferred bondage style: As any proper sadist, extreme bondage is a must for Barb. And the more uncomfortable the better. As such, a reverse prayer armbinder is a must. However,  She does not like to put masks or hoods on her maso pigs, because she enjoys watching their pathetic faces too much.



Rob the Hungry

Loving the idea of character profiles will we be getting these for every new boss? Have you considered making profiles for d-tox and splatter as well to complete the set?


There were actually basic profiles and a vote done for both D-Tox and Splatter. D-Tox was the character that won. Was a long time ago though.

Raven Night

Like the idea of the "Deadly Kiss" attack even if it might mean a game over. Originally my vote was leaning towards Bijou but now I am not too sure. Also was wondering if there might be a Character in future that uses hardening liquids as capture weapon like liquid latex or even plaster? Anyway can't wait till the voting starts and to see both in the game.


Considering how often I've used that type of bondage in image sets, it's a given that would come in play at some point. Answer is yes.


I won't lie, personally I'm hoping Bijou wins the vote when it happens.


BARBWIRE looks so cute;-)


Interesting design, glad to see more aspects of being a mutant in their character design beyond being seemingly immortal and strong (I'm referring to her deadly kiss).


Oof. Last time I was hands down on board with D-Tox first...but this time? This is a TOUGH choice on which one when voting comes out...I love em both and I'm happy we'll get both....but having to choose which I get sooner is just MADDENING....