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Hey folks.

As promised, I finished all the main assets needed for the second boss game update which will happen next month. 

You'll find in this Zip file a mix of samples of these different assets.

These include:

- Splatters Body poses

- Splatters Sprite assets

- Splatters combat assets/toys

- Ash's various grabs (Warrior and Slut)

- Two videos showcasing animations tests for the grab.

These do not yet have any sneak peaks to the actual Game Over Scene with Splatter. (which will be on the Warrior path this time), as this will be done after I'm done with the Splatter combat update.

NOTE: Some of these assets will spoil a lot of elements of both the fight and story. As such I've placed them in a SPOILER tagged file. So it your choice to  check these out or not.





I have a question. Is it possible to Transver a save game between the versions?


One thing that would definitely be nice as the versions are released is to give a save file for the slut path/warrior path up to the most recent chapter/area of the game, so people can dive right into the new content without needing to worry about older and older saves being corrupted. Maybe add in a lump sum of money for warrior, too. (Of course, this could get very difficult to do, so it'd still be fair to not include such a feature)