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Hey folks,

So as I explained my focus for the game at the moment is solving the performance issue during combat.

After testing many things (Changing the map, removing events, etc...) it seems that the issue is simply that RPG maker doesn't take too kindly to the resolution i've bumped it to.

The native resolution for the engine is  816x642 . However, to keep high quality images and scenes, I bumped that resolution to  1600x900.

So I have two solutions here:

A) go back to  816x642 but that's not really option as I will have to edit every map, every assets (image and sprite) back to fit this resolution. Suffice to say that it would take a very long time. 2-3 months

B) Scrap the classic combat system and replace it with one that is more simple and uses sprites. (It's the built in RPG maker combat mode that seems to suffer the most, so ditching it entirely would solve the issue). This would require some work, but not too much. I could make it happen in a month and then the performance problem would be fixed. The new combat system would still have the good stuff like the grabs etc... It's more a matter of changing the visual of it.

But before I consider doing that, I want to try turning off some plugins and effects that may draw too much on performance and could relax the engine enough so that I do not have to change anything on the combat. (Such as turning the Boss breathing animation, the damage number pop up, etc...)

These little effects could be what's pushing the engine just a bit too far to cause the performance drop during combat.

I tried multiple play troughs and it seems promising so far. But I need you guys to test it yourself to increase the testing poll and see if really makes a difference.

Please download this test build and try multiple runs if you can (If possible starting at the beginning without a save). And see if you still encounter that lag or freeze during combat against D-tox.

Here is the link (Only windows version for now):  https://mega.nz/#!7ooFiALQ!6LE7eIOcXB-8Qs2sj3onb4EJ8dr0l0kag6hUJTu6i28 

Please let me know if it makes a difference.

Again, please only focus the feedback on combat (Check if it still lags or freezes for a couple of seconds).

Thanks for your help.



Turning off the effects worked for me. There wasn't any slowdown during combat. But without the breathing and damage numbers, combat felt less interesting and intense. However, if that's the best way to stop the slowdown, I can live without them. I'm not familiar with how RPG Maker works, but maybe you can add an option for the user to turn on boss breathing animations or damage numbers, so if they don't mind the worse performance, they can add those parts back in?


Not possible withing the game unfortunately. That being said, this is just a first test version. I'm going to gradually make other versions with the some of the effects back to see which one I can keep and which really has to go.

Raven Night

So I tried the test version that you released and I am not having any such freeze ups during the fight so it looks promising to me. Also I don't know if you use this mod or not already but I came across a mod that allows for higher resolutions in VX Ace on the Lust Doll wiki that might help Link: https://wiki.smutosaur.us/LustDoll/Modding mod looks like it should work with any game using VX Ace engine. Anyway I hope you can get this all figured out because I am really liking the game so far and I would hate for you to get hung up on this one bug

Ross Kirkland

hey this is not super inportent but I notised that at the start of the game in the wasteland when you follow the blood onto the ledge one of the tiles at the edge of the cliff dos not have collision physics so you can walk threw the cliff onto the ledg. ( there's 3 tiles and its the bottom tile)


Went into the Dtox fight with the worst possible conditions performance-wise I could think of (rushing through her dialogue, not listening to her, basically giving the game as little time as possible to load everything) and had a little lag throughout the fight which I could kinda ignore by spamming enter. Reloaded the save directly before the fight/talk, this time listened to her and absolutely no lag in the fight. Seems like the lag happens only the first time you fight? I cann think of a few more conditions to test, but won't have time until after the weekend