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Hey folks,

So votes are still on going so please if you haven't yet do check  https://www.patreon.com/posts/poll-next-image-34059326  and vote there.

But it seems to me that Corrin has a very big lead so it's likely she will be the winning character. Vote is still on, so if there is a big change of lead, then we will disregard to following discussion. But in the interest of saving time, I'm going to get the ball running on Corrin to leave time for suggestions and polls on the scenario.

To start things off, I'm going to stray away from my first work with her. Meaning that since I already did a pure buried away scene with her. I don't intend to just do that again.

Secondly, one of the things I really like about the character design is her wardrobe. So I want to keep that in the set. I'm thinking either Living rubber binding around her similar to the Tomb Raider set. Or her wearing a rubber altered version of her uniform.

Third, as far as scenario goes anything is fair game as long as gore, and death are not involved. And as I said no buried and forgotten scene this time as she already got that. So for the scenario you may use your knowledge of the game as long as it involves Corrin being used in some fashion. It can be sexual but it doesn't have to. It could, a rubber maid, or a piece of decoration for example. It can involve ONE other character on screen (I'll make the decision in that happens or not, but you can suggest it).

For the bondage style, anything goes, but as I said, I would like to keep her wardrobe design somehow, so something like an inflatable bondage bag this time around is not really ideal. 

These are my toughs, I'll leave it you folks to discuss and make suggestions.  As always, I'll take the liberty to pick different ideas and combine them, or make my own adjustments. 

But I will read everyone's ideas carefully.



Story-wise, my idea would either be to have Corrin once again defeated and captured by her enemies or betrayed by her allies for some reason (maybe she was becoming too cruel a leader, or maybe she was on the side of Nohr and Hoshido managed to win the conflict and captured her). Either way, they decide to have her publicly displayed as a message to what happens to those like her. Since she was either trying to claim the throne or working for it, as punishment, she is put inside a rubber straitjacket version of uniform (with maybe a rubber sack on top) and forced to sit upon a replica of the throne she wanted. However, this replica has some major differences, like permanently-locking shackles built into it that force her to sit upright. She also gets a fake crown put on her head to mock her even more and a gag that completely silences her (perhaps with magic). The throne is kept to the side in the main throne room, so anyone stepping into the throne room can understand the power of the new rulers, and to further humiliate her, everyone who wants to address the new king or queen has to bow to and address Corrin first like she's the actual ruler, despite her being bound and gagged. Perhaps her restraints have some charms built-in that keep her young, healthy, and alive for a very long time, so she soon becomes a ever-lasting symbol of the new rulers (if it's the Hoshido wins route, then of Hoshido's defeat over Nohr). She's forced to watch on her mock throne as all her hopes and dreams are crushed as the new rulers grow old, and her chances of obtaining whatever goal she wanted slips away forever.


Given she is a noble, losing a battle or being kidnapped by the opposing forces and reduced to a heavily bound maid would be quite fitting.


Her big "sister" Camilla finally goes too far with her overprotectiveness and decides to keep her away from the frontlines permanently and, coincidentally, all to herself. And since her big sister only wants the best for Corrin, she will surely try on this new enchanted battle outfit Camilla got for her...


I like the idea of a maid personally. And combinedwith the suggestion With from John Mac, this could be a good humiliation/fall from grace angle for someone who wanted to throne to a simple permanently bound servant. I'll give that some thoughts. Thanks for sharing.


I'll keep the camilla idea in mind. The enchanted trap outfit sounds a bit too similar to what I just did with the Sam set, so maybe not exactly the same, but an alternated outfit for sure.