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Patch 0.3 is now out!

Windows version can be downloaded here: https://mega.nz/#!Lp4lGSrY!_K4bq8SbX9cxO-V-rLFhKCefTMZAtAOMFjpRXrabJd4

Mac Version: https://mega.nz/#!zko1wCrQ!Yrb6WWsWKjPB-TtCmVx5I7jR9xJkScSwL_At2IT1XOQ

Remember to copy-paste the entire link into your browser to get the link. Just clicking on it will not work!


Bug fixes:

     - Fixed an issue that made D-Tox Auto win-loose if the Fire Dot was on her during the Mask Grab

     - Players who loot the Jacket 2+ and Goggles 2+ BP should now recieved the correct gear.

     - An Infinite Audio loop bug has been fixed.

     - Items selling value have been reduced to 5 scraps to avoid the Item resell exploit.

 Added content

     - The Slut path is now unlockable by talking to D-Tox

     - The Transformation event to become a Slut has been added. 

     -  The Transformation makes drastic changes to your character stats and gear. The SLUT gear is of course impossible to remove. 

     - New Image and sprites assets related to the Slut path have been added.

     - Breathing animations linked to the slut path have been added.

     - Not reaching D-TOX Seduced +1 by refusing to hear her out when you meet her for the first time will change her behavior towards you. In this case, you'll need to do something more to gain her favors again and unlock the SLUT path.

     - The "gift" System has been added. (Only pops if you refused to listen to D-Tox the first time you meet her.)

     -  The Slut Gameplay which involves a Button Mashing and a QTE system have been added.

     - A Fail and Success event for the Slut Gameplay have been added.

     - Every time you fail, SLUT gets better at achieving the SLUT mini games. Making it easier to complete. (This is still subject to balancing. But it works right now)

     - You can now increase The Seduce Stat on D-Tox up to Tier 3. It will not go up to tier 4 yet, as Tier 4 is basically the Gameover event.  And I still need to finish some adjustments on that.

    - Characters will now speak and interact with you differently depending if you are a SLUT or a Warrior. This for now applies to Both D-Tox and Mag. 

    - Gear and Abilities for ASH (Warrior) received a slight buff to make the combat less of a chore.

  Known issues

    - The Performance problem is still there. I'll focus on trying a solution for that once I get the Game Over sequence done and added. Which will mark all the essential systems for the game and LEVEL 1 of the bunker, as completed. In the mean time, if you experience any performance drop, going back to the menu and reloading your last save should reset performances. 

   - Still a lot of typos. Including the Typos still present from the last patch. I'm aware of them and will perform a full typo check once I get LEVEL 1 fully completed (Meaning I just need to add the gameover now and I can get to Check for typos). If you notice any new typos or big errors in the new content of this new patch. Please let me know. I will fix those typos, it just wasn't a priority for this patch.

  Next patch objectives:  

  - To add the game over scene. I couldn't add it for this patch, because I need to change Ashes hair style on the Gameover images to match her SLUT form. And I still need to make the animation for it.

 - To correct typos, remaining bugs and Find what's causing the performance issue. 

Once these are done. Patch 1.0 (Think of it as going from Alpha to Beta) will be completed. With all the core systems done and ready. Adding new content (new bosses and characters) will be just a matter of creating new art assets and tweaking the values there and there.




Great! I can't wait to play it! Will the save games from this patch work for all the future patches (are they backwards compatible?) or should we wait until Patch 1.0 before we can keep our saves? I'm really excited for the animation. The previews you posted last month look amazing.


Thanks. But if you are referring the the game over images. These aren't in yet as I need to change Ashes hair style to her Slut hair style for continuity. Still, this patch should give plenty of stuff to enjoy just by engaging in the slut path.


Starting to look really good, can't wait too see what the future holds with all the possibilities of bosses, game over etc, will be something for everyone


Here's a couple comments about the new parts of the game: - For the Slut gameplay, maybe consider adding a "Begin" to the "Breathe In" and "Breathe Out" segments. The countdown text for the 2 minigames is the same but has different meanings for each one (countdown to start for "Breathe In" and time left for "Breathe Out"). I failed the first "Breathe Out" QTE because I thought the countdown was giving the amount of time left before the hidden buttons were revealed and not the time I needed to complete it. I think adding a begin or start message will make that less confusing. - For Slut Ash's animations, when she breathes in, the picture of her suit becomes blurry. I'm guessing this is because of manipulating the original image, but since Ash is shown for a long time in that state when she loses the minigame (the part when she can't breathe anymore), I would suggest cleaning up that image and making the lines sharper. - I don't know if this is a design decision, but I chose to not take D.Tox up on her offer to trap Slut Ash for a long time after succeeding the minigame, and the next time I tried to play it, I instantly won the game.


- For the mini game. I actually tough the same about using the same timer for both. I may have an alternative for the QTE part to avoid confusion. - Correct. It's the effect of warp animation. Not sure I'm going to go trough that trouble I'm afraid. The blur is really not so jarring in my personal opinion. I guess you can really see it when she is stuck at the BREATH IN pose during the Button Spam event. I might try to see how I could clean that ONE frame, but even then. It's not going to be as clean as the base frame. So not making any promises. And even it is to your eye. Having to clean every frame is not something I can manage to do without adding too much to my work flow. I think its reasonable as it is. I'll give it a quick look. But I'll be honest. Don't expect to much on that one. - A bug, but expected as I havn't really done the events after winning the mini game yet. But thanks for pointing it out. Will fix it on the next patch. As the intent is to allow you to redo the mini game as many times as you want without getting to the gameover if you don't want too. EDIT: For the blur thing. I might have a quick fix solution using a sharpening tool in photoshop to just fix that last breath in frame at the very least (The blur in between movement is not an issue because of motion blur). So this could fix that moment where she poses in that frame for too long. No promises but will try it out and see If I can easily sharpen that frame


When hibana set come out?


Just new to this one and shamefully admit that I still can't get through level 1, always lose when D-Tox use the gas mask. Any tip? Thanks,


Check my previous post where I go I explain this months upcoming stuff.. Essentially, i comes out this month.


You can't go to level 2 yet as it isn't done. But survive D-Tox, you have to avoid getting masked by D-Tox as it's almost certain death. When she prepares the mask, there is an ability you can use called quick step to increase your chances of GRAB attacks to land on you.