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Hello dear Rubber Devotee. A Merry Christmas to everyone. 

Alright, so here is an update on the game's progress:

      - The SLUT mini game system has a bug that crashes the game every time.  It's going to take some time to fix that so rather then wasting to much time on that, I'm focusing on finishing the Game over scene images for Ash. 

   - The game over scene image set is going well, it has some  good detail. I just finished the Line work, and now moving on to the coloring.  So whatever happens, you will get to see the game over images this month.

Because the Slut mini game is required to move forward in the game, and I don't know if I will fix that bug before the end of the month, the update on the game this month is likely to be the images of the game over scene for now. Once that bug is fixed I'll move on to adding all the assets in game. And make a new patch.

With that being said, there is a possible extra reward that I just realized I could add to Trier 4 patrons and It could help giving you guys content while I'm busy bug fixing the game (it may happen in the future, so finding something else to give you while I make sure the next patch works might be for the best).

Allow me to explain. I'm good friends with an other fellow artist. You might know him:  https://www.patreon.com/user?u=871652  .  Every now and then we like to do collabs together for fun. 

The collaboration works like this: I draw, and he colors. When it comes to just drawing line work without coloring, I can do it really fast. So him doing the coloring really cuts the work a lot for me. Up until now, we just did those collaborations between us. And they were slow to finish because our priorities are to finish our patreon rewards first.

So I've been thinking: Why not make these Collaborations between us a bonus reward for our patrons? I talked to him about it and he agreed as long as it's not on a monthly basis. But you could get these when I'm struggling to get a game patch out because of a bug.

Here is the collaboration we are currently working on. (He only did a base coloring for testing, but he's really good at it, here is an example of how his own work  https://www.deviantart.com/re-maker/art/Contained-Cammy-Patreon-Reward-773261058 )

It's Chi Chi from DBZ turned into a rubber bondage bimbo and eventually stored away in permanent isolation.

If you are interested in seeing these kind of contributions as a special bonus reward in the future here is what you need to know: 

                  - The art Style will still be mine. As you can tell from that Chi Chi Image. I do the drawing, he does the coloring only. So if you prefer my art style of his, that won't change. It's still my line work.

                 - Because I can do line works fast, these could be detailed sets of images, with different angles (Like for chichi: a profile of her giving a blow Job, a shot of her being stored away, a shot of her being captured before she is "changed", etc).Point being, because I don't have to bother with coloring, these can be some nice sets, not just one image.

                - Updates for these will be my Inks first. RE-MAKER will then work on coloring at his own pace. The I will post the colored versions he gives me here.

                - These sets will be posted to Tier 3 patreons, but later down the line. As Tier 4, You get a minimum of one month early access to these. A long with early sneak peaks (Line works, partial coloring etc...)

               - There will be no polls for character selections for these.  For these collaborations to work, its important that both Re-maker and I enjoy the character being worked on.

So that's it. Him and I are still doing these collaborations on the side when we have a bit of time, but if you guys are up to have these a bonus reward that I can post when progress on the game is slowing down because of a bug, then we can make these more of regular thing for you to enjoy here.

But before going forward with it, I want to know if this is something you want. So here goes the poll!

If the vote comes out positive, then expect more of these soon (starting with Chi Chi)



This is a fantastic idea ^^


As a long time patron of Re-maker. This is awsome. Love both your styles. Considering increasing my pledge ammount for this delectible goodness... or evil.