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Happy Halloween!




TIP: Press F4 to play in full Screen mode


Also, expect bugs. Don t be afraid to to report them. I will fix them if I can on the next patch


at last, demo version is released! thanks to your hard work


Excellent start! Got through a playthrough of it and it was worth the wait. Music is amazingly well done, excellent ambience, sprite work is stunning and is awesome to watch, especially when it zooms in and more detail shows up. Keep up the fantastic work and I look forward to future updates!!


Short feedback: Sprites and art in general are fantastic Rooms and distances to walk seem a bit too large in general given that there's no dash function yet Dialogue and personalities seem on point so far Labroom with the vats caused pretty jarring fps drops Fight with DTox seemed to lag, especially at the start of the fight, lagged for 5 seconds between choosing to attack and then being able to select her as a target. A few typos (e.g. google instead of goggle), I could go through it again and note down every typo if you want to, just tell me in what way you want me to describe where I found the typo so its most convenient for you. All in all, looks very promising




oops... i found that same issue.. but you are faster than me!


The Dash function will remain disabled as it breaks some events. However the rooms were first designed with dashing in mind until events started breaking because of it. So next time some rooms will be redesigned to be a bit smaller

Rob the Hungry

loved the demo but noticed a few issues first there is a clipping issue for the cliff at the start she will walk through it and skip the animation for seeing the body that has the key card making you have to go back to trigger it before you can get the keycard, i had issues with the game not selecting where i clicked so navigation was a bit hard especially the doors and chests, speaking of chest it wasn't easy to identify what i could and couldn't interact with combined with the previous issue resulted in me reaching d-tox with no items the first time


Regarding the frame drop in the lab. I m aware of it and it seems to occur at random. I would suggest reloading the game to fix the issue for now. But might have to redesign the lab map (the number of light sources could be the issue)

Rob the Hungry

out of curiosity how many endings are there in the demo i got 2 but don't know if there is a third or how would get it?


The fight lag is really weird though. I can't see what causing it. It might be a side effect of your fps drop in the lab room? I would suggest reloading a saved game and try the lab again. I can't see what causes your fight lag other wise as I can't reproduce this bug on my end. Lastly thanks for the typos, will fix it

Raven Night

So a few things I want to say first off I am really loving the artwork and story so far, can't wait to see more of both. With that said I have two suggestions that I would like to offer. First I too agree that having a Run or a Dash function would be nice as a lot of the rooms are rather big and exploration is a little limited with the current speed of movement. My other suggestion is something a little more quality of life that I noticed in the other games you've made and is not in this one (though this could be because of the different engines), that being the ability to skip or fast-forward through conversations that you already have seen, this would be nice to have since there are many people who like to explore the different conversation options that a game offers and would like to get to those choices quickly. Lastly after playing through the demo I got to wondering if there are going to be any random encounters that will also be able to capture/tie-up Ashe or is it just going to be the bosses and will there be any multi-layered capture attacks like progressively increasing the bondage on the PC until they can no longer fight?


Fast forward Dialog will be added on the next patch. Drashing, I don't think so as I can't create events to bug. I might reduce the map sizes a little


I really liked the demo. The fight with D-Tox was very fun and I like her and Ash's personalities. I ran into the same problems that others have (like the game slowing down in the lab and minor typos). A design issue I had involved the large cracks in the wall that appear inside the bunker (you can see one beside the switch Ash pulls in the 2nd sceenshot you posted for the Tier 3 patrons, when Ash meets Mag). They look like you might be able to fit through them and maybe lead to secret areas, even though you can't. Unless you're going to allow Ash to climb through them, I'd recommend changing how they look, since right now, they look like you can interact with them. The chests had the opposite problem, where they looked too generic and it wasn't obvious you could interact with them.

Ross Kirkland

I absolutly love the game it was definitly worth it to go up to the $10 tier. I look forward to more content.

Ross Kirkland

I had the same lag problem. I think your right Tonkatsu when I loded a save after the laggy lab (lol) the fight didn't lag.


For chests, I might look at making the first one "shine" to attract a player's attention to it. I meant to have this in the demo, but had more pressing issues and couldn't get it in time. Noted about the crack in the wall.