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Hi everyone. 

As the demo is getting closer to release, I feel more confident sharing more details on the features that will be included in the first demo.

                   - The demo features the entire INTRO section of the game. This section will be a bit more dialog and event heavy (Compared to the rest of the game), as in introduces Key characters, the world, and gives some essential exposition. 

                   - This includes complex EVENTS and conditionals that will gradually move you forward in the story. The intent is to make this as immersive and engaging as possible. While this a kinky oriented game, it is still a game. And as such, the quality of everything outside of kinky moments matters.

                   - A total of 5 areas are there to be explored.

                   - The game features exclusive soundtracks to make the experience more immersive. (Copyright proof)

                  - Camera and light effects have been adapted to better serve the scenario.

                 -  Dialog has been refined to it's final form with: Improved visibility of who's talking, Character intro animations, etc...

                 - COMBAT: A first encounter with D-Tox is in the game. But only the 'Introductory" battle for now. You'll still get to fight her and see her abilities against you, but since the game lacks gear upgrade progression and the after battle reward system, you can't level up your character and fight her again just yet. This will be added in the next update.

In the future, this will serve as  a PUBLIC demo that will be available outside of Patreon (Not before I have the Slut path and the First "game-over" event with D-TOX done and available to patreons)

This demo will be a good introduction to the game for you, as I later add more core systems like a "merchant" and gear upgrade/progression system, the boss reward system (Getting rewards  regardless if you win or loose, but you obviously get more if you win), adding the "SLUT" path and gameplay adjustments linked to that path, and last but not least the game over system (Using an "Anger" or "Seduction" stat depending on which path you choose).

Anyways, it won't be long
