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Just a quick update. 

1) The first demo: The combat has been ironed out for the most part. Still working on balancing the damage values etc... Also now working on the intro part of the story and events leading to fighting D-tox. The demo will be ready by the end of the month.

2) Since I was working on image variations for Dialog, I also use the opportunity to work on the SLUT variant of Ash. As explained in other posts, The game offers you two paths. You start as a proud but weak warrior and bounty hunter. You can choose to continue on this path, or you can accept an alternative path offered by the first boss D-Tox. Should you accept her offer, this decision will have permanent consequences. So to experience both paths you will need to have two saved characters.

Key differences:


     -  Ash uses weapons and Armor to upgrade her combat abilities and move forward.

     - Ash will always struggle and fight. She will not submit even when completely bound and helpless.

     - Ash will be able to ANGER some enemies. This is a stat that if added enough can trigger a special Game Over event. Resulting in Ash's permanent demise. Simply loosing to a Boss will not result in a game over and will not permanently end Ash's quest. This must be triggered by applying enough ANGER on the boss that can be affected by it and conditions to build ANGER will vary from Boss to boss. Once you've applied enough  ANGER , a Game Over scene and event will unlock for that boss.

     - Game Over events that require ANGER on enemies are specific to certain bosses and will not trigger on every boss. Some bosses can be angered, some not.

    - Ash will have a prideful, confident, courageous, and at times arrogant personality



    -  Ash is no longer allowed to wear weapons and armor.

    -  Ash's arms are bound in an armbinder at all times unless removed by a Boss to be changed by something else. She will also wear a posture collar which is permanent attached and cannot be removed. Affirming that she is no longer a warrior.

    - As such, Ash can no longer fight. She will progress through a different Event system that are mostly mini-game driven. (Think memory puzzle games, QTE's and so on). You can still engage combat on some bosses but you won't be able to attack them. And will be limited to specific actions linked to your SLUT status. Such as surrendering/Begging for torment, Dialog to seduce etc...

    -  Ash will be able to SEDUCE some enemies. This will be similar to ANGER. Unlocking specific Permanent Game over scenes on certain bosses only. 

   - Ash will be submissive, extremely masochist, slutty, and constantly begging for torment. Now a disgrace to the bounty hunter clan, she doesn't care about anything but to be abused and humiliated.

These two paths cather to two different kind of kinksters. Those who prefer consensual bondage and humiliation and those who prefer the protags that resist and refuse their demise. Which ever you choose, you can progress forward regardless. The way to move forward and the consequences for triggering events will be different however.

These will of course affect Ash's appearance both in scenes/dialogs and her character sprites in the world.

NOTE: The Slut path will not be featured in the first demo coming end of the month. This is just a sneak peak at the concept. It will however be the next major update, setting up the basis of both path options for the rest of the game. 




Ross Kirkland

This i a grate concept.


Looks awesome, but will we also get some endings between the two extremes? Like the ending to the Asuka story, where she struggles at first but ends up eventually accepting and enjoying her demise after being broken by bondage and isolation.


That can happen with certain bosses. The important par is how things begin. So yes, you could see such a scenario on a boss or two


Wow, the sprite work done is impressive in it's detail, I look forward to the Alpha. Question/possible future idea, will we unlock 'Outfit Changes' for the paths? Like as we become a greater warrior maybe her clothes get extra pieces and is redesigned, and on the Slut Path we reveal more or get put in more pieces of bondage like the Posture Collar?


I might add more accessories in the future as more levels and bosses are added. No promises right. I ll get the essentials done first


Oh of course. I'd rather have a clean and perfectly functioning game then a somewhat buggy, partially functioning one with bells ans whistles. Keep up the great work!!


I'm so hyped for this game, keep up the good work!!! :)


Ash with Chainsaw... Where is Double Barrel Shotgun?