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Progress on the combat is progressing.

   Features added:

               + Made a custom combat Battleback image to match with the exploration Map

               + I replaced the standard RPG maker MENU design to something with a Steam punk style to match with the game

               + I plugged in an enemy HP bar on top of the enemy so that you can track damage applied to them.

               + Removed the TP bar, and changed to Mana Bar to a Power bar.

               + Changed the Icon and description of usable items. For example, The Healing potions have been changed to MediPens Injections

               + Changed Combat skill and attack animations to fit the Steam punk theme and world. So Sword swings, Fire balls etc... are now replaced by Chainsaw attacks, Mini Gun fire Spray, Missile targeting ect...

               + Added Multi Phase combat where the boss evolves and changes depending on different conditions (You'll figure it out in game).

               + A special BOSS "Getting ready" animation sequence has been added, to give you a warning that the boss is going to do something dangerous. And that you need to pay attention and prepare.

               + Win or loose, you will get Scraps (The world's currency) and items like med pens dropping from the boss. (Static for now, but will work on changing Rewards depending on your performance) 

   What needs to be done before you get playable Alpha demo:

                -  Failure event when loosing has to be done. As I explained this is not the actual GAME OVER. The conditions to unlock those are more complex and that will be added later. When you loose to a boss, there is an event where they abuse you, but it's not a game over, you get to fight them again and adapt until you eventually pass. Game Overs can be unlocked even after you finished the boss and are unlocked through different conditions (Dialog options, actions during combat,...)

                - One of D-Tox's special attacks needs to be ironed out. It works but needs some changes.

                - I still need to find and add more sound effects for better impact and immersion

                -  Balancing to make the difficulty suitable to where I want it to be.

               -  Add Struggle animation when failure event is triggered

Overall, Combat is finally shaping up and I have little doubt that I will have a playable demo by the end of the month. 

What I hope to get in the first demo:

                1) Have the intro part of the story leading to fighting D-Tox done.

                2) Have a first iteration of the D-TOX fight done. (The basic mechanics have to be there so that the player needs to fail and experiment to find her weaknesses)

                3) Implements All or some of the Upgrades options for Ash. These are in 3 categories:

                         - Improvements: These can only be done Through Wrench (The NPC characters). And they only improve the stats of equipment you already own. You only have have to pay for them in SCRAPS, but you  number of times you can Improve an item is limited.

                        - Combat system add-ons:  This is how you add new offensive skills to your combat bracelet: You start with just A small mini gun but you can add Flame towers, missiles ect.... Think of it as learning new offensive magic spells. These cannot be acquired with SCRAPS alone, and require special component loots (some these can acquired as Boss drops, some are hidden in the map, some might be dialog story/related). Once you find the parts, go see Wrench to she'll craft the Add-on for you.

                        - Martial-Arts Log files: These are secret techniques you can learn and are mostly Defensive or Passive abilities. Some can bought for scraps, but you ll mostly acquire them as part of the story. 

                 4) Make a fancy Title screen image

                 5) Make sprites to create event scenarios after a combat failure against D-tox (Ash Sprite with Armbinder and mask)

What I aim to do next month: 

                1) If any of the features planned for this month don't make it, to add them next month

                2) Introduce the SLUT option where Ash gives up being a warrior and turns into a willing masochist slut. D-TOX is the character opening up this path.

                3) Since becoming a slut removes all your combat gear, and you can't damage enemies anymore. An altered version of the combat mechanic has to be made. Where instead of inflicting damage, you try to seduce the enemy into abusing you. Being a slut is permanent and you can consider this EASY mode. But remember that Choosing between Warrior or Slut will unlock game-overs specific to that path and some bosses. And they lock other game-overs on other bosses. So choosing either path gives you a different experience, and you have to make a second character to unlock everything.

Point Number 3 is the most crucial part, as once I have this... I ll have all the basic to add new content (Bosses, Upgrades, ect) for the game. Only once I get all of the above done, will I start working on the first Game Over sequence event linked to D-TOX (Which will be linked to the SLUT role).

This is it for now. The early stage of developing the game takes time, because I need all the essential systems that will be used as templates for the rest of the game. Once I have all the basics done, adding new bosses will be as easy as changing values and variables (Which every now and then a new mechanic) and adding game overs will be straightforward.

Once I get the combat for both roles (Warrior and Slut) done, updates will flow at a more consistent pace. Warrior combat is almost done. All that's left is the Slut combat, which will be simplified as it is EASY mode.






Sounds like a pretty well thought out and good plan, looking forward to it!