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Hey folks.

So here are some screen shots of the game so far.

- Map assets are done for this first version and Lighting affect have been coded in to create an appropriate dark mood.

- Character Sprites for Ash and the NPC are done. I still  have to do D-Tox's sprite.

- Original Music score to match the style of the game as been added

- Dialog has been added

- The core of the combat system is still being worked on but there is progress. I coded for the Boss to randomly trigger a grab phase. Changing her art asset to reflect it. Grab event triggers properly when grab is processed. And Skills are locked and special skills added for the Grab phase of the fight. What still needs to be done are adding proper counter measures to the grab (To either resist it or cancel it). Add sound effects for the events to make them more immersive. Change the Attack effects and sounds. Change the Stats and bars to better (Not MP since this isn't a fantasy world)

Thanks again for your patience. I'm getting closer to a rough playable demo. Will let you know when It will be near delivery.




Oh yes that last image, cant wait to see more keep up the good work but please dont feel bad taking breaks when you need them!


intead of MP ther could be WP: Will Power, bec you need Will to Fight!:D


her left shoulder is kinda missing in the last pic