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Hey. So here is the first version of a playable demo.

Bare in mind that this is still work in progress and that it is only a portion of the game.

I am trying to also add two new features in this game:

- The ability to change text speed (Added in this demo)

- The Ability to replay specific scenes (Work in progress, not in this demo and can't guarantee just yet that it will make it. But it might pull it off)

Hope you like that demo. Next month I should have it done all the way just before the game over screens pop in.



lee jones

a really nice little teaser for what is too come


Looks good so far. Some of the animations are rough, but that's to be expected. I like where the story is going. Since you haven't completed the game over screens yet, will we also see Elizabeth in the game (just her head, like Albedo in the Shalltear game)? Also, I liked the games, but they seem to be getting a little formulaic in terms of structure. So far, April, Shalltear, and now (from the demo at least) Carmilla all go the same way. They start out in clothes, then stripped naked, then put in bondage. I don't mind it, but it would be nice to see more variety, like having them start in bondage (like Asuka) or have the bondage consume their clothes as it binds them (like Makise).


Thanks for the criticism. And I get what your are saying about applying a basic formula. And I am sorry to say that this is by design. As I can't make ground breaking new game play and sequence elements on every game. I need a formula to stick too. So that's not about to change.