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The file contains the images set with not text and images with text in separate folders.




...eh. Mai looks great, good, scary fate, but over two-thirds of this set is just yellow foam. That's pretty weak. Really short, too.


cool as usual


but yeah, a little bit shorter than i expected, that's could be really cool to have one more picture between picture 1 and picture 2 with the "foam" expended slowly. and this idea could be very cool in animation ^^


A reminder. This reward was always meant to be a Single image. Rather then an image set. As per described in the reward page. When I add variations it’s really a bonus. Before complaining be sure to read the reward description.


Before complaining. Please read the reward description. When I do variations think of it as a bonus. The reward is and should be a single image. Should I stick to the reward description next time and make a single image to make that clear?


Pretty good for a simple quick work. And anyone asking for more... Not cool.


Looks great! Glad to see you back in action!


I'm glad you are feeling better so that you can provide us with a lovely picture. Thank you very much:)


Hot and cruel. I thought you were only going to use her Adolescence Syndrome and have people forget her, leaving her to her bound fate, but using the time reset made things even worse for her. Also, I love the way her breast is pressing against the window. Really makes it clear how tight it is for her in there.

Angi Li

Glad you're back into the swing of things, Mai looks great. Just wondering but are you still going to continue developing that femdom vn with Saitou?


Glad to see you're doing better ^_^