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Hey folks,

you might have noticed that content as been light this month. I am posting this to first insure that I‘m skipping pledge charges this month. No one will get charged this month.

If you want to know why: I got infected by a severe flu epidemic which took a nasty turn. It evolved to bronchitis.  I ended up being stuck to a hospital bed for a day.

I am better now, but still under heavy meds. Because of this I couldn’t draw for a good 2 weeks.

So there you have it. But here is some good news.

I gave you all a headsup back in October that I was going to be plagued with family and personal issues that would slow me down between november and January.

These issues are now over and behind me. I do not expect any set backs in the coming months so content will be more consistent as it was before the end of 2018. So you should not see any more « breaks » from February onward (at least for a long tim).

Thanks for your patience and support.

Expect good things starting February.


Typical Novice

Oh, sorry to hear that you were sick this whole time but it’s good that you’re getting better.


May your bed cold heal quickly.


Good luck and take care of yourself

Robert Gomez

Rest up, Primo! Taking care of yourself is as important as brainstorming new ideas!


Hope you get better. Thanks for the update.

lee jones

Its no worries, gotta look after yourself first before anything else so hope you get better soon


May be latex and rubber with you!:)


I don't know why but for some reason, I see a lot of artists get sick very easily. I don't see this kind of thing with youtubers tho...


Lol are you kidding? Youtubers get sick all the time. It just doesn’t affect their work that much.


Thank you're the best for giving us the heads up. Hope everything is going and went swell. 🙃😊


Get well soon!


Ouch. I do slightly apologize for what I did, and only found out AFTER I cancelled my pledge. I've put it back up, since you did explain it was a hospital visit.