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Splitting the image into two parts for clarity. 

Will deliver part 2 before the end of the month.

Yen did warn her not to use tier 4, but Triss didn't listen.

She's going to pay the price for her bondage cravings.




Note: I ended doing both the cloth squeezing and the semen drinking Because they were really tight in the votes.

Angela J Wharton

What drawing software do you use? I currently use photoshop CC, but your renders look really amazing.


Hello Angela. I use two softwares. Adobe Illustrator for the line work. And then I color it in Photoshop CC. Illustrator is better for lines. One thing I recommend paying close attention too with photoshop is the settings when you create a new project. More specifically, the resolution settings. By default, it usually puts a 72 Pixel/Inch resolution. I usually bump this higher to 300 or more. It means bigger files, but your edges will look smoother. Also when exporting, don't export to anything but a PNG format. A common mistake is to export images as J-PEGs. J-pegs are compressed formats, which means that it will loose a bit of the original quality. So always export as a .PNG to keep the raw quality.