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Added a new character to the game. I originally only had the mom and Saito (and the main character). But quickly realized that the story needed a third character to help spice up the story a little bit. A source of conflict for the protagonist.

Suki is your childhood friend (Lives just a couple of blocks away). You are also technically her Senpai.

More info on the game and it's progress.

- The game will take place over the course of a week of school. You may get an premature ending before the end of that week but what ever happens, you have one week to hold on too before the inevitable conclusion (What ever it may be). 

- The game will have multiple endings. Which ending you get depends on your actions and decisions. However, I do not have any estimates on how many endings and scenes the final game will have. My plan to work on having a core storyline first and a core gameplay. From there, I will expand to different alternate scenarios over time. 

- Current Progress. Right now, all dialog assets are fully colored. Because of this, I already started creating the actual game. Writing the story, and creating dialog scenes to move the plot forward. 

- For the demo, my plan will be to have day 1 (Monday) of the story fully done. It will also include a full fledged kinky scene, giving you a good idea what to expect on future game updates.

- Progress on the demo: I have 30% of day 1 done. I'm still working on the conditional system to make sure that choices generate different outcomes. The first scene is inked, but not colored yet(I will do that after the KIM set is done). I also finished the tutorial section has the game will have a unique feature that I will not spoil here. A special someone will fill you in when you play the demo.

In short, while I do work on it sparingly on the side, progress is going along smoothly. I still expect the demo to be ready next month.




Is the new character will also hv ending that dominate the mc aside the teacher?


For now. Saito is the main Dom/vilian of the game. I'm starting off with her. But like I explained, my pan is to expand the game progressively over time. For the sake of spoilers, I will not give you a yes or no answer. I can tell you that right now, Saito is going to be the focus as she is the core of the story. But I am planning to use the other characters in many ways. Some may or may not be what you expect of them. Again, I won't spoil it for you. It is possible.


can't wait to see more ^^ i hope that suki will be punish by saito for being a source of problem between her and the hero ^^


when is the demo/game ready? there as been no news about it