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Well wow.

My patreon page nearly doubled in member count in just a week.

Thank you all. Old members and new comers alike.

Hope you will enjoy my art and I can't say enough how much your contribution helps me.

If this patreon page keeps growing, I will be able to put more time in my art.

So again,

Thank you.

On a side note, Tohru is the winner this month. I know the vote has ended up with a tie with Juri in the past few days since I never closed the vote, but that tie happened after the winner (Tohru) was already selected on May the 28th. This is due to the sudden increase of members this past week that I honestly did not see coming.

So to Juri fans, don't worry I have a felling that she's going to win very soon. But I had to end the vote before the end of May to actually get started on drawing to finish the set  and finish it before the end of June. So Tohru is the winner this time.

To avoid this issue in the future, I will put a time limit of a short week on votes from now on, to keep them locked out after a certain amount of time.

But again, Juri fans should not worry... She's always up there in the votes so it's safe to say that she is going to win soon.

Thank you again for your patronage. Currently working on the sketch and inking of the Tohru set right now.



Everyone has a chance, and everyone will end up in something tight and confining.