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Trying to prove to everyone that she could manage on her own, Lucy accepted a mission to discover and arrest slave traders settled in the hills.

This was to be an easy mission. Even for the likes of Lucy. She sneaked pass the guards and into the trader's camp under the night. And proceeded to their storage area. 

What Lucy found weren't slaves however... But strange looking rubber sex dolls. One of them was still moving and screaming. Much to Lucy's horror...  this was not a doll, but one of the village girls who went missing the night before. Her skin was half-covered by living rubber and soon enough she would be like the other rubber dolls. 

Lucy rushed to her, trying to rip off the invading rubber. But there was nothing she could do. The girl's cries for help muffled away as the rubber did its job and covered her entirely. Now she was just a rubber doll like the others.

Lucy swore to avenge and save those poor girls once she dealt with those disgusting slave traders. 

Unfortunately, Lucy had made a grave mistake. The living rubber, thinking that it had not finished it's job, contaminated Lucy as well. And started to spread on her hands. Lucy tried to grab her magic keys, but soon enough her fingers were sealed by the spreading pink rubber. She screamed in horror as she helplessly watched it spread.

Meanwhile, in the camp. The commotion finally alerted the bandits, who all rushed to the storage space. They were expecting a large attack force. But instead found poor Lucy, on her knees. The rubber still spreading like a virus. She was now covered all the way down and up to her neck.

She begged the bandits to get this thing off her. But all responded with uncontrollable laughter as they understood how she got herself in such a state. The laughed as they gave her the grave news that the wizard who cursed those other girls for them was already on his way back to the capital. And only he, could reverse it if the transformation was still not completed. But once fully transformed, even her could not reverse it. Lucy finally understood that this was it. The end of her adventures. She was going to be turned into one of those grotesque bondage sex dolls. Useless for anything but sex.

Lucy screamed and begged them to sell her to her guild for a big price. Hoping that they could come up with a way to save her. But all she received was further humiliation as the bandits kept mocking her once they figured out that she was part of the fairy tail guild. They could not believe that a weakling such as her could be a member of one of the best guilds in the word. Her pride was shattered, as deep down she knew that the reason she got into this mess was that it was true. 

As her arms and legs were forced to merge together into a permanent extreme binding position that she would assume for the rest of her life... She screamed her final words...  As the rubber finally invaded her mouth and finished off her face. At which point... Lucy was not only silenced. But also completely deaf, blind and cut off from the outside world. She was totally isolated. She struggled as much as she could. But from the outside, she barely moved at all. Her struggled only managed to produce cute little rubber squeaky sounds.

Lucy was now no more then a piece of the merchandise for the bandits to sell. But they would have their way with her until they found a proper buyer.

A month later, she was finally bought by a rival guild on the other end of the continent. The members of this guild knew very well who she was, and made sure to not let the information spread out. After all, Fairy tail just had given up the search for her and assumed she was dead. They even held a funeral. So it was important that they never find out.

Lucy was kept as their personal sex doll for the years to come. No one but the top members of the guild knew of her existence and were allowed to use her. Despite the many years of isolation and sexual use. Lucy unfortunately never got used to her new life. She screamed and screamed day and night. Which from the outside only produced cute muffled moans. But her agony was never ending. And death... something she wished more then anything at this point... would not come to her. As the wizard's curse also left an other gift to it's carrier. As long as the host keeps struggling and screaming. The rubber turns it into energy and vitamins, and then uses it to feed the victim and keep it alive. As long as the host fights, it cannot die. Something Lucy was unfortunately not aware off. And thus it was unlikely that this isolation and sexual abuse hell would ever end for her.

- Epilogue - 29 years later -

Eventually, everyone forgot about the Fairy tail member : Lucy. Even Fairy tail themselves. Nobody cared or mourned for her. She was just useless trash now. Her owners eventually grew tired of her as well, as she no longer satisfied them as a sexdoll. And so... Things got a LOT worse for the sex doll. 

While Lucy hated the sexual abuse, it at the very least gave her some connection to the outside world. This would however end. As no one had any desire to use anymore. And so... Lucy was put on display in a cell for all to see. It would never be opened again however. From now on. She would be completely ignored and fade away.

At least being a sex doll was something of value. But now... Lucy was worth nothing to anyone. And although she hate be used.,. all these years... She hated the lack of any stimuli ever worse. She was going absolutely insane... But from the outside... She was a nice quite cute doll but dirty doll on display.

The end.



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