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With May getting closer to her demise, Chun-Li joins the ranks of potential perils.

The new poll starts this weekend for those with a 10$ tier reward.

One important note:  the rewards for 10$ tiers have changed a bit for the better.

Now, being a 10$ tier not only allows you to vote between a rooster of 6 characters, but I also added two lotteries that randomly picks two winners from the list of $10 tier patrons. 

The first Lottery gives the winner a chance to provide creative input on the choice of context, bondage, scenario, style of the next set of pictures. (This is already the case for the May set)

The second lottery winner gets to submit 5 to 10 of his favorite characters he/she would like to see added on the list. One of these characters is guaranteed to be the next added character on the next poll (Chun-li is actually the result of this lottery which was first held last month.)

In short, being a $10 dollar patron now gives a lot more chances to win something and give you some creative control. 

I would also like to add that I am going to add a extra reward for $5 patrons that will replace the speed painting videos (I have to stop doing those because I do not have enough memory on my computer to manage these). 

But overall, the idea is that I am going to hold a poll for $5 dollar patrons where I will propose different scenarios and characters. The winning selection will then be sketched and inked (not colored). It will NOT be a set of multiple pictures, nor will it have a written story. It will only be a single picture. The following month, the poll will give you the choice to either vote for a new scenario to be inked or to color a previously selected ink piece. Of course, $10 patrons also have access to this poll on top of their own specific regular poll.

I will come back on this soon enough, but in short, this will replace the speed paint videos for something that I believe will be a better reward for 5$ patreons. Again, I will give more details on this new reward soon.

Over and out.




I'm all for the quick picture poll, and might even, when I have the spare money to burn, bump up to $10 in order to try for that extra bit of creative control. I already have a good list of options, and none of them are red haired foxes.


Hey. You can definitely submit Val if you want as OC 's are ok. But bare in mind that You have to submit at least 5 characters for me to choose from and then I select one of them to add to the poll. From there, it's up to other $10 patrons to choose. So my advice would be to choose characters you feel have a fair chance of winning at some point (maybe not the first time, but maybe the following months).


Still, in the mean time, the new poll for 5$ trier patron should be interesting.


I'd vote, but I only contribute $2.