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Mitsuru Scenario poll

  • SCENARIO A: The mental facility 70
  • SCENARIO B: The experiment 103
  • 2024-07-27
  • 173 votes
{'title': 'Mitsuru Scenario poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'SCENARIO A: The mental facility', 'votes': 70}, {'text': 'SCENARIO B: The experiment', 'votes': 103}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 7, 27, 9, 48, 52, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 173}



Hey folks.

Here are the scenario poll options for Mitsuru.

This would take place after the events of Persona 3.

In this scenario, Mitsuru is now the new leader of the  Kirijo Group.

However, she eventually learns that some within the company are still doing experiments on "shadows" to control time itself. Something she is strongly opposed too as she fears that this could bring back the "dark hours".

Expecting the board of the group to follow reason, and side with her... They instead ploy to get her out of the way permanently.

There are two ways we can go about this:

- Scenario A: The mental facility

Mitsuru is declared insane and sent to special medical facility owned by the Kirijo group itself. Th
She is put in a rubbery straitjacket suit and moved to her cell by her specially assigned nurse.

That nurse turns out to be a classmate of Mitsuru from her school years (Mitsuru doesn't remember, as she was not exactly one of the popular girl in school and she was a bit of a creepy stalker of sorts),

It turns out that the nurse has a personal beef with Misturu over their school years. As she had both a crush and jealous hatred over Mitsuru back in the day. And she still has. (The nurse would be cute, but slightly chubby. Just not a perfect beauty to sell the idea that in the class, she wasn't one of the popular girl. But still attractive in her nurse outfit).

And now, Misturu was sent to this facility with instructions that she was to be declared insane and never be allowed to ever leave. In other words, Mitsuru was now her plaything.

Mitsuru is injected with a drug by the nurse. And when she wakes up, she is in a rubber padded cell, stuck in a bondage bag on top of her straitjacket suit and with the nurse sitting on top of her holding a gasmask. As Mitsuru demands to be released, the mask is forced on her and she moment she breathes in gazes start affect her mind with every puff. Each breathe making her more dumb, light headed and horny... Until eventually she begins moaning, and no longer caring about what's going to happen to her. The nurse lewds her now cocooned "idol" and possession. The room is a high security section that only she has access to, and she doesn't have to answer to anyone but the Kirijo group. Who wants Misturu stuck down there anyways. So, Mitsuru is never going to leave this cell ever again.

- Scenario B: The experiment. 

Since they want her gone, the group decides to use her as a test subject in one of their experiments with shadows. Mitsuru wakes up suspended in a bondage bag and heavily gagged.

She is in a metallic containment room with camera observing her. As she hears the voice of one of the scientists going through the check-list for the experiment.

Bellow her the trap doors of a small and narrow silo tube opens. Revealing a small and narrow pit or mouth of sorts. The inside looks like padded rubber/leathery walls waiting some something to suck in and swallow. Mitsuru quickly figures out that this rubber padded mouth hole ready to suck her in, was in fact, a shadow.

The scientist explains that the point of the experiment is to freeze a person in time for preservation purposes (A form of cryostasis of sorts).

Mitsuru struggles as she is lowered inside the fleshy pit but there is nothing she can do. Once inside the fleshy rubber walls press against her bound body. Securing her in place. With only her face barely sticking out. Already, she can feel time slowing down for her as the doors of the pit shut close in slow motion. There is no "end" date to this trial. The doors are not meant to be opened again as the group doesn't want her to get in their way again. We see what's she experiencing inside as the time bending starts affecting her mind. Since time is heavily slowed down, she can be kept this way for centuries without the need for food, sleep or water. And little to no aging.

A rubber membrane eventually creeps over a face to fully encase her and contain her for indefinite storage.



I'm definitely going for option A 🥵